Although it does not bring it justice.

Here I am, Take me in.

Looking back looking out, shedding pain.

Vulnerable I stand before you.

Aching not wanting to let go,

can you see it; don’t look away.

Here set before you, unmasked unashamed.

Does it speak to you as to me?

See it, for it is my greatest offering.

To you

vulnerable I stand.

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What is it about this facial expression that is such a turn on? I think in part it has to do with the way it effects they eyes. It puts a tone to the eye that says "I am up to no good!" When it is done ever so lightly one can expect mischief will fallow. This sexy twinkle of lip also can add a...
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I have to admit....

When I came to this site it was for the women matter of fact I think it was @ripley and @trance that sold me on the yearly membership after giving this site a month trial. Then I came across a blog that captured me... It was written by @marajade she is an amazing person who deserves much love. If you are...
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<3 you're so sweet. what would i do without you.
thank you for your words <3 .... It was a shock, and rapid loss. I did not expect it. I'm sorry that I had with him more cuddled the night before or a few days ago. Missing me. I think I was crying more than if died human.

There is a fire in your eyes

That sparks the kindle in my heart

Reaching to my loins and returning with passion

It fuels the embers that burn within

Roaring out of control it builds

Bringing to compulsion a longing

For the depth of a beauty's heart

My mind exploding with each thought of you

Flaming heart expanding with desire at the idea of your...
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:-)  Thank you

What I miss most is the way your hair felt between my fingers

as I delicately ran my fingers through.

I miss the nights of exploration of your scalp

as you gently drifted to sleep.

I miss your reaction to my touch upon the back of your neck,

tense then relaxing into its familiar caress.

The way your body remembered the feel of my fingers,...
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Very nice ! 😊💋
Kisses from France !

conforming to the standard or the common type

actual rather than imaginary

If you ask me I prefer people to be the latter, no matter what form that "actual" comes in.
-that is all


Well it all started with my meeting with the officers of the psych club at my school. it was a pretty good meeting, I was to present a proposal to them to organize a Breast Cancer walk and raise as much as possible. I had one thing in mind and they had another but after a bit of back and forth we came to an...
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What is in the life of a pen?

Is it utter joy, or screams of lament?

Shall it be written the command of authority?

Or just the priority of what’s for dinner?

Do pens feel the ups and downs of the stroke?

The power they wield, is it known?

Do they carry the pain of the moment?

Or the tears of happiness?

Question not the...
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One of the greatest gifts that mankind has is the ability to laugh. I am not talking about a simple chuckle or a gupha. But I mean a deep low belly roll of a laugh the kind of laughter we only experienced as a child playing with our favorite person, pet, toy what have you. Those laughs where we lose control of everything, bodily functions...
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completely agree I couldn't live without laughter :)

I am a newly discovered creature, ever evolving from my surroundings. Forever I am learning. Every morning I wake up is an opportunity to discover something revitalizing to shape who I shall become. I am forever in search of the new me. I look forward to unexpected experiences. For I am consistently seeking truth within myself and the world I inhabit. New discoveries I long...
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