Woo. Im back 2 years later. Thanks to whomever got me the gift activation. Its a great gift. Thank you much. I am officially going to school in the fall, yippie. Digipen here I come, the next great video game / movie maker ! lol

In anycase hello and all that, and thanks again.
Well, lost my job, then about 3 weeks later found a new one. Been a week since I started at the new one, and so far seems alright. Art and everything had to be put on hold. I was really getting into it too. Now half me stuff is here and half is at my brothers, cause thats where im suppose to moce to. Thats...
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Well, been awhile. Just about done with art school and it was good. The drawing class was ok, but not much a fan of the teacher. She knows her stuff thats certain, but I don't think shes a very god teacher over-all. The Illustration class on the other hand has been great. I've learned a ton from it. I would like to take more classes...
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Well started school last week, still on the fence about it as I missed a day, due to a confused starting date. But the other class was good, just hope I can keep up in it.

Did a big car thing this weekend had about 50 cars for the cruis and show so was another successfull year I think, getting more of a serious word...
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So I signed up for school, got a bunch of car parts, and got some more anime. I think I am just about officially broke, and getting more so by the minute. Lets hope this all works out eh?
So school starts the 16 of next month if I remember correctly, need to sign up soon. I'm kinda weirded out about it. Also starting next week I'm going to the gym again, my mom decided she wanted to go with my too, thats also gonna be weird.

Well, I have offically decided to go to art school in the spring, and to pursue it as a career. Heres to hping at all works out. As soon as I get a scanner and PS I can start posting some of my work up.
So school starts the 16 of next month if I remember correctly, need to sign up soon. I'm kinda weirded out about it. Also starting next week I'm going to the gym again, my mom decided she wanted to go with my too, thats also gonna be weird. surreal
Well got done with co-workers tattoo design, she plans on getting the tatto done in January. Gonna be kinda weird having my art on somebody. Cool and weird. I am suppose to go when she gets it done. I'm hoping I may be able to get an apprenticeship somewhere and this might be the start.
Well I been designing a tattoo for a girl at work and finally just got it finished. So far everyone I have shown it too has really liked it.

I'm hoping this will get things moving a bit. Theres already a few others that have asked about doing one for them. I'll put up a picture later of it. Maybe.
Well my birthday is coming up in a bit, and I been thinking of doing something for, or to, myself for the ocasion. I have a good idea of what I want to do, but still not sure if I wanna go through with it or not. Been thinking of getting me dimples pierced.

I really like the look on girls and it something thats...
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you should come hang out with us sometime!!

join this group

[Edited on Oct 17, 2005 10:37PM]