got me a bunch of tools from sears yesterday to fix my car up. sometimes i think things are planned out. cause our friend daniel picked taco bell to go eat lunch at. right nearby the taco bell there were two big guys struggling to push a car uphill in the rain. so i made my friend jon stop the car and i got out and helped them push. i didnt say anything i just started pushing and the guys said thanks and then they saw me. i guess they would have figured that i would have robbed them rather than help them since i have the huge rockin mohawk. im glad to smash peoples preconceived notions of appearance.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I get stared at all the time when I go to places like walmart or McDonalds or some shit like that....Chuck-E-Cheeses with the kids...OH GOD, and when I have to pick the two youngest up from school! Oh the stares are incredible! But you know, hey....I can't be anything other than what I am.....and I personally dont see anything wrong with that!