sooo... THANKS!!! to all the comments on my set
I know now what has to be done better next time and damn I will train!
for all the maggie gyllenhaal comments: I love her! and I'm already thinking of working the similarity into a set
if I got a good idea I'll tell you people
my next shooting is already in planning na dwill probably be next week
so new blogs will come soon probably
thanx thanx thanx

I know now what has to be done better next time and damn I will train!
for all the maggie gyllenhaal comments: I love her! and I'm already thinking of working the similarity into a set

my next shooting is already in planning na dwill probably be next week

thanx thanx thanx

Your set is great. Have a nice weekend.
My work hours are different each day. Fri: 6am-11:30am...Sat: 1:30pm-7pm...Sun: 8am-1:30pm...Mon: 6am-11:30am...and Tues., Wed., and Thurs. off. I only work part time---so my paycheck looks like shit but I have a lot of free time as well. I guess it evens out in the end.