Wow! So the NYE party at stasia and baise's place was a blast! Normally I don't talk to that many people when I go out, but I think I talked to almost everyone at that party; hell, I think I even got a couple of people to join SG! notorious_DUG and I didn't leave until 5am. We got to his place and I crashed on his futon only to wake up with Charlie (Doug's cat) right next to me and that creepy bust of the random woman on the chair staring at me at 10am. We then went on a mission to break into ninjaprodigy's car. Decided to take a break and go out for some breakfast. Normally I wouldn't have anything to say about my trip to a restaurant, but the lady called me kiddo and she didn't get me any goddamn rolls! A lockout service was called to relieve us of our duties. A red station wagon sporting a custom license plate of "A AMAZEN" pulled up and the guy put some tool resembling a blood pressure arm-band-thing into the locked door. He had some kind of tool with a rubber piece on the end and unlocked to door from the inside whithin a minute. At that point I realized that that man truly deserved that license plate. AMAZEN! We parted our ways with Chris and stopped off at the petstore for my one night stand the night before. This is what made my day: There were two birds getting it on. It wouldn't have been such a big deal for me, but they were seriously getting it on! The guy bird saw me gawking and hopped down off his mate with his feathers puffed and told me off in bird language. I somehow ended up at home at around 3pm and slept until 6:30 this morning
. What a great time in Chicago I had! Thanks to everyone I met and talked to. If I haven't sent you a friends request it's because I don't know your SG name, so please send them to me!

Good to hang out with you Sunday., the bottoming out is all DUG's fault? ...knew it
How are you?