Was that last post really bad? I don't believe in any type of religion, but I do appreciate the good they bring out in people who do believe in most of them. Going to a church is a lot like going to malls for me:
Except I can't use bad words at church.
As long as I am on the subject of religion and the mall... am I the only one who's kinda pissed off for Jewish people when I walk past the 4x6 foot enclosure of a dreidal at Woodfield mall? I mean, there's this HUGE Christmas exhibit complete with Santa, 50 square feet of cotton snow (with blinking lights underneath that makes it look like rainclouds hahaha), a photograper, and a million kids that deserve a present about as much as I do
! Keep walking and you'll see a playpen with a papier mache dreidal the size of a todler next to a candy machine and a middle-aged woman who is too concerned with her ice-cream to watch her kids and hundreds of dollars of gifts that will be returned by New Years. To all of the Jewish people who visit that mall: I noticed your section.
This holiday season brings out the worst in people too. I, now, feel that I should stay off the road as I and my gas money cannot handle getting the finger from people. People on shopping missions: Get your presents, use your turn signal, GET OFF YOU DAMN PHONE, and go home! If you're not paying attention, I will not stop for you... I will take the dent and make money off of your stupidity. People who are still shopping and at the store: Decide what you need from the store before you go in there, don't walk slowly and NEVER under any circumstances stop in front of me, leave your kids at home... they're better with a cabinet full of Draino than they are with me around when they're crying.
To my mom: hahaha... please, never have any type of party at home while I'm here. Our friends and family aren't microbiophobic home inspectors! Go to the store and get EVERYTHING you need before you build your cucoon and transform into Martha Stewart. Most of all... don't be fake, we see right through it!
Thanks and sorry to everyone who made it to this point and...Merry Christmas!

Except I can't use bad words at church.
As long as I am on the subject of religion and the mall... am I the only one who's kinda pissed off for Jewish people when I walk past the 4x6 foot enclosure of a dreidal at Woodfield mall? I mean, there's this HUGE Christmas exhibit complete with Santa, 50 square feet of cotton snow (with blinking lights underneath that makes it look like rainclouds hahaha), a photograper, and a million kids that deserve a present about as much as I do

This holiday season brings out the worst in people too. I, now, feel that I should stay off the road as I and my gas money cannot handle getting the finger from people. People on shopping missions: Get your presents, use your turn signal, GET OFF YOU DAMN PHONE, and go home! If you're not paying attention, I will not stop for you... I will take the dent and make money off of your stupidity. People who are still shopping and at the store: Decide what you need from the store before you go in there, don't walk slowly and NEVER under any circumstances stop in front of me, leave your kids at home... they're better with a cabinet full of Draino than they are with me around when they're crying.
To my mom: hahaha... please, never have any type of party at home while I'm here. Our friends and family aren't microbiophobic home inspectors! Go to the store and get EVERYTHING you need before you build your cucoon and transform into Martha Stewart. Most of all... don't be fake, we see right through it!
Thanks and sorry to everyone who made it to this point and...Merry Christmas!

I couldn't even round the number of beers I drank to the hundreads. I just know that it is in the thousands. This year I went to war against my liver