Well, the show was alright. I found out that they don't air all of the shows that they tape. Hopefully this one will make it. I got to shake Jerry's hand, which is surprisingly soft. Saw me some huge boobies and even a guy pole dancing
! Not as fun as I was expecting, but at least I was able to watch an episode without all of the bleeps. Today was an even better day, as I got to go to Walmart! At the register there were some plastic magnet letters: WHRZAETKI. I'm not sure if they were in that order, but I studied them to see if I could spell something funny/offensive with them. I ended up taking the W and the Z away and rearanged them to spell: HERATIK. I wish I had my camera... the word, itself, isn't really that funny, but the setting at which is was at and the different bright colors was what made it something for me to smile about. The guy behind the guy behind us was kinda scowling at it, but that's the only reaction I got from it. Some may call it symbolic of the store too. As if that wasn't enough, I won a little peppermint teddy bear on my way out with one of those claw machines on my first try! Makes up for the last time I was there and spent $1.25 trying to get a leopard. I just needed one more quarter and it would have been MINE! Hope everyone had a good day today!

merry christmas!
hope it's great.
have a good christmas dude. don't foget to give your girlfriend the ol' yule log for the holidays.