life is good I wished I had more friends in Israel specially friends that made me laugh like crazy there's nothing I love more than laughing today I was at the supermarket and something crazy happened...funny story on sunday I was at the post office and some random old lady skipped the line and another lady started screaming at her for doing so I wanted to protect the old lady at the beggining she seemed cute but arguing in hebrew is pretty hard for me specially with crazy ppl, but the old lady didn't need help she was wild and she kept on screaming and fighting for her turn anyways today at the supermarket I saw the old lady again and it seems like she's always getting into trouble cause she was doing the line and some dude started picking a fight with her and well she didn't stay quiet, then the guy was like if you don't shut up I'm going to have to do something and all the people at the line started to tell the guy to fuck off but he didn't, then he took the little lady's groceries and threw them all to the floor man! that was so severe!! wtf? who does that?? but like I said the lady is wild and she's not afraid she might be 5''3 tops and maybe like 80 but she kept on screaming until to my surprise she hit the guy!!! security came, everyone helped the lady with the groceries and while they were taking the guy away the lady wasn't backing off ohh no, she kept on screaming at the top of her lungs it was wild at the supermarket today
thanks for commenting on my set
