Friends always turn out to be nothing more than another aquaintence. As many times as this has still disappoints the shit out of me. Vegas changes people, I've watched it happen over and over again. It's what makes me hate this city. Everything and everyone seems unpersonal. My question is...what is so wrong with personal? I guess all I can say is, things are not always what they seem. Whats new.
I read this in my work e-mail's our company's "core value" of the day (a.k.a. daily bullshit)
Positive Outlook
Smile all the time. Happiness is contagious!
Seven traits of happy people:
They have high self-esteem.
They are optimistic, outgoing and agreeable.
They feel in control of their lives.
They have close friends or a satisfying marriage.
Their work and leisure activities are engaging.
They have a meaningful religious faith or spirituality, one that is full of hope and that provides a supportive community.
They exercise and get enough sleep.
Interesting...isn't it? This would almost make any normal person question if they are in fact "Happy".
1. I don't have low self-esteem, but I know I'm not kind of the fucking world either.
2. I try to be optimistic. I can be outgoing when I want to. Agreeable? HA!!!! That would make me a pushover, and that's one thing I am NOT.
3. I don't think I have ever felt like I was in total control. Life is not suppose to be that easy.
4. As you already read above..they are hard to find. I have a few good ones left. PS. I'm not married yet.
4. Work is nothing near "Engaging". As far as my leisure activites...well I guess they're engaging to me.
5. Meaningful realigious faith- I don't think I even want to go there.
6. I should exercise, but I don't. Finally, no. I don't get enough sleep, about 85% of the time.
Now for the question of the YEAR!: Are you a happy person?
I read this in my work e-mail's our company's "core value" of the day (a.k.a. daily bullshit)
Positive Outlook
Smile all the time. Happiness is contagious!
Seven traits of happy people:
They have high self-esteem.
They are optimistic, outgoing and agreeable.
They feel in control of their lives.
They have close friends or a satisfying marriage.
Their work and leisure activities are engaging.
They have a meaningful religious faith or spirituality, one that is full of hope and that provides a supportive community.
They exercise and get enough sleep.
Interesting...isn't it? This would almost make any normal person question if they are in fact "Happy".
1. I don't have low self-esteem, but I know I'm not kind of the fucking world either.
2. I try to be optimistic. I can be outgoing when I want to. Agreeable? HA!!!! That would make me a pushover, and that's one thing I am NOT.
3. I don't think I have ever felt like I was in total control. Life is not suppose to be that easy.
4. As you already read above..they are hard to find. I have a few good ones left. PS. I'm not married yet.
4. Work is nothing near "Engaging". As far as my leisure activites...well I guess they're engaging to me.
5. Meaningful realigious faith- I don't think I even want to go there.
6. I should exercise, but I don't. Finally, no. I don't get enough sleep, about 85% of the time.
Now for the question of the YEAR!: Are you a happy person?

everyone in this world starts with a cherry,its not our fault if people loose it,
thank you for your time.
cherries for a brighter future.
take care.