I'm not sure who to thank that this day has finally come. Time, I suppose would be responsible, for delivering the day I love the most. On that note: Thank You Father Time..because without would just be another day.
By now..I'm sure you are asking, "Gee...what makes FRIDAY so special?" I will tell you. I have been waiting people...And today was FINALLY the day!! TWWLY has a new set up!!!!!
She rocks my world!
Go check her out and tell her how beautiful she is!!!
So, I took some time this week to let my creative side show. I happened to stumble upon these great Army Green Converse's and decided to dedicate them to SG. SO, here are my own personal "Army SG" Chucks. Tell me what you think, if you love them...I might just make you your own pair!

I will be shooting my set with the fabulous Mr. RyanReason within the week.
x0x0 Love. S.
I'm not sure who to thank that this day has finally come. Time, I suppose would be responsible, for delivering the day I love the most. On that note: Thank You Father Time..because without would just be another day.
By now..I'm sure you are asking, "Gee...what makes FRIDAY so special?" I will tell you. I have been waiting people...And today was FINALLY the day!! TWWLY has a new set up!!!!!

Go check her out and tell her how beautiful she is!!!
So, I took some time this week to let my creative side show. I happened to stumble upon these great Army Green Converse's and decided to dedicate them to SG. SO, here are my own personal "Army SG" Chucks. Tell me what you think, if you love them...I might just make you your own pair!

I will be shooting my set with the fabulous Mr. RyanReason within the week.

x0x0 Love. S.
what kind of theme are you choosing for your set?
viva tells me about some plans for Saturday night?
mabey ill go watch some good movies this weekend to help me feel better.
later,take care.