Question: Have you ever heard of an asshole breaking into someone else's house to steal their dog and not getting arrested?
Answer: Now you have!!!!!
Earlier this week some chode tried to kidnap my dog!
I was meeting my friend at my house so she could drop off some money, and on my way home she called and said "uuhhm, there is a note from the cops on your gate that says...SUJECT PRIED GATE, JUMPED WALL AND STOLE YOUR DOG. DOG IS IN FRONT. CALL IF YOU WANT A REPORT."
I came home to find my poor baby dog sitting (with no leash! not tied to anything) next to my front door!!
She was shaken up, but seemed to be just fine. Of course my back gate was all screwed up, but no signs that anyone had messed with my house doors. I was soo pissed that my dog had been left out in the open like that!!!
Anything could have happened to her! ::tears::
After talking to the neighbors and cops (finally!!) I got to hear how fucked up this city's cops really are.
-A couple (guy & girl) in a van pull up to my house.
The guy is obviously drunk. They proceed to try to break into my patio and bust up my gate. They can't get it open so the guy jumps the wall. He then busts the gate from the inside and they try to coax my dog into the van! She would not go and was running around in circles to get away from them. According to my neighbors my Mail Lady called the cops because my dog was running around loose, their were weird people outside of my house and she couldnt deliver the mail. The cops came, saw what they had done to my gate, knew they were trying to steal my dog (one of the idiots actually told them that) and they didnt arrest them!! they didnt even take the drunk asshole in for questioning or obvious drunk driving!!!!!!!!!!!
We have filed a report and basically it looks to be that THE COPS FUCKED UP! They should have taken him in for Grand Larceny. Any theft over $250 is considered a felony. All I know is when they find his ass, they better ARREST HIM THIS TIME!
On a lighter note: I found this girl who makes custom hair barretts! And my first pair are by far the coolest things I've ever seen!!!
Answer: Now you have!!!!!
Earlier this week some chode tried to kidnap my dog!
I was meeting my friend at my house so she could drop off some money, and on my way home she called and said "uuhhm, there is a note from the cops on your gate that says...SUJECT PRIED GATE, JUMPED WALL AND STOLE YOUR DOG. DOG IS IN FRONT. CALL IF YOU WANT A REPORT."

She was shaken up, but seemed to be just fine. Of course my back gate was all screwed up, but no signs that anyone had messed with my house doors. I was soo pissed that my dog had been left out in the open like that!!!

Anything could have happened to her! ::tears::
After talking to the neighbors and cops (finally!!) I got to hear how fucked up this city's cops really are.
-A couple (guy & girl) in a van pull up to my house.
The guy is obviously drunk. They proceed to try to break into my patio and bust up my gate. They can't get it open so the guy jumps the wall. He then busts the gate from the inside and they try to coax my dog into the van! She would not go and was running around in circles to get away from them. According to my neighbors my Mail Lady called the cops because my dog was running around loose, their were weird people outside of my house and she couldnt deliver the mail. The cops came, saw what they had done to my gate, knew they were trying to steal my dog (one of the idiots actually told them that) and they didnt arrest them!! they didnt even take the drunk asshole in for questioning or obvious drunk driving!!!!!!!!!!!

On a lighter note: I found this girl who makes custom hair barretts! And my first pair are by far the coolest things I've ever seen!!!

I definetly had a fucking blast as well. We need to do that again soon. On my way home I saw Skot at work then picked up our friend at the Silver Coast casino then roamed around the Strip making fun of people until 7:00 (that's when I had to pick up Skot). So damn! I had a great fucking night! Thanx
you know, you're on my friends list, and im drawing a huge blank. i HOPE we've met before, but it could just be because we're both from vegASS.. either way, you seem kick ass. sorry to hear about your break in, that's shitty. at least you still have your pup tho.
good luck with your set btw!