I was so surprised that my PC actually works....its been a total CUNextTuesday, and slightly confusing because I'm so used to using my mac that I've become completely retarded when it comes to using this fucking pc and its chunkymonkey keyboard.
I'm not really meant to be staying at "home" but I cant stay at the boys really.
I get paid tomorrow, Urban Outfitters maybeee.
I've got a list of what I want. But I'm cutting down on my shoes I think from now on.
The irritating aunt has been thrown out the house after the shit stirring and aggrivation she caused between my mum and I, its not really her place to get involved, and she turned round and said that I was treated better than my brother, my mum said she was jealous of me, why, I dont know. But at least I can be in my own house and not have to deal with her sticking her italian nose in telling me to apologise to my mum, cooow.
I hurt my back pretty bad the otherday, my mum came down to carlisle and we were getting ready to go out and I was pulling my jeans up then my back just went and I couldnt move, so I ended up taking a huge mixxture of pain killers, which completely spaced me out, then copius amounts of jack daniels, vodka, shots of I dont know what and jagermeister. I wasnt even hung over...unless the sickness I was feeling yesterday was a hangover, if so....its a day late.
hmph. I have moooore new clothes. My mum bought me a really pretty high waisted skirt from oasis alogn with a purse and a clutch bag. I tried on this stunning maxi dress from Warehouse and now I need it, except its 75, hmph, along with the charnos underwear I want....seen as La Senza is SHITE. hmph
I was so surprised that my PC actually works....its been a total CUNextTuesday, and slightly confusing because I'm so used to using my mac that I've become completely retarded when it comes to using this fucking pc and its chunkymonkey keyboard.
I'm not really meant to be staying at "home" but I cant stay at the boys really.
I get paid tomorrow, Urban Outfitters maybeee.
I've got a list of what I want. But I'm cutting down on my shoes I think from now on.
The irritating aunt has been thrown out the house after the shit stirring and aggrivation she caused between my mum and I, its not really her place to get involved, and she turned round and said that I was treated better than my brother, my mum said she was jealous of me, why, I dont know. But at least I can be in my own house and not have to deal with her sticking her italian nose in telling me to apologise to my mum, cooow.
I hurt my back pretty bad the otherday, my mum came down to carlisle and we were getting ready to go out and I was pulling my jeans up then my back just went and I couldnt move, so I ended up taking a huge mixxture of pain killers, which completely spaced me out, then copius amounts of jack daniels, vodka, shots of I dont know what and jagermeister. I wasnt even hung over...unless the sickness I was feeling yesterday was a hangover, if so....its a day late.
hmph. I have moooore new clothes. My mum bought me a really pretty high waisted skirt from oasis alogn with a purse and a clutch bag. I tried on this stunning maxi dress from Warehouse and now I need it, except its 75, hmph, along with the charnos underwear I want....seen as La Senza is SHITE. hmph

Good to meet you. Hopefully see you out more often!!!