So I am quite aggravated at the moment.......
If you read my last blog you know that my friend and I made a mends. Well, I don't think I mentioned before that my brother and my friend had a fling that didn't go so well, so there is bad blood between the two of them. When she was over yesterday my brother showed up out of no where, he doesn't normally come over during the week, just on weekends so it made it quite awkward as it did before her and I stopped talking. Today I received a text from my soon to be sister in law saying: "Hey girl, your brother is gonna be heading to your moms house at 4. Please please please make sure Catey isn't there again, it really made him super uncomfortable to other day and kinda pissed him off. He's under a lot of stress today and he doesn't need that. Thank you i'd really appreciate that"...............

I feel like I can't have my friends come over and hang out because of the constant BS. My brother is still friends with my ex and guess what?! My ex is a guest at the wedding, fucking bullshit! 

and my brother knows what happened between us and refuses to change anything otherwise. 

The reason my brother came over here today was to talk to me about when I am going to enroll in school. Here's the deal, I am on unemployment and in order for me to go to school I need to obtain financial aid. If I do this I could possibly get my unemployment taken from me and I can't afford that right now. My brother mentioned something about student loans; Seriously? I don't want to be paying back loans for the rest of my life.

Ok, so I feel like an idiot.......
Rob texted me when he got off of work, asking me how my day was, no big right? normal question of course. Well, I responded with my brother is coming out from redondo to talk to me about when I am starting school. I should have just responded with great thanks for asking but noooooo I didn't. I feel like an ass, he never responded because he said in his first text that he was picking up his son and he doesn't respond to text messages or phone calls when he has him. But I still feel like a douche, I am pretty sure he didn't want to know about that. Oh well, it is what it is.
If you read my last blog you know that my friend and I made a mends. Well, I don't think I mentioned before that my brother and my friend had a fling that didn't go so well, so there is bad blood between the two of them. When she was over yesterday my brother showed up out of no where, he doesn't normally come over during the week, just on weekends so it made it quite awkward as it did before her and I stopped talking. Today I received a text from my soon to be sister in law saying: "Hey girl, your brother is gonna be heading to your moms house at 4. Please please please make sure Catey isn't there again, it really made him super uncomfortable to other day and kinda pissed him off. He's under a lot of stress today and he doesn't need that. Thank you i'd really appreciate that"...............

The reason my brother came over here today was to talk to me about when I am going to enroll in school. Here's the deal, I am on unemployment and in order for me to go to school I need to obtain financial aid. If I do this I could possibly get my unemployment taken from me and I can't afford that right now. My brother mentioned something about student loans; Seriously? I don't want to be paying back loans for the rest of my life.

Ok, so I feel like an idiot.......
Rob texted me when he got off of work, asking me how my day was, no big right? normal question of course. Well, I responded with my brother is coming out from redondo to talk to me about when I am starting school. I should have just responded with great thanks for asking but noooooo I didn't. I feel like an ass, he never responded because he said in his first text that he was picking up his son and he doesn't respond to text messages or phone calls when he has him. But I still feel like a douche, I am pretty sure he didn't want to know about that. Oh well, it is what it is.
As for the Rob thing, do not worry too much about it. I am sure he did not think you were sounding stupid and besides you could always explain it to him in more detail later when his son is not with him, if you feel the need to! I hope you feel better soon...*hugs*