Today was an extremely proactive day.......
My friend that I haven't spoke to in months came over today and we made a mends. We had fallen out of touch because of my ex who completely manipulated our friendship. Anyways, we sat and talked for a couple of hours and did some catching up, I really missed her she was there for me through a lot of bullshit. We went to grab some food and then headed to the mall and did some shopping. It was good times all over again without the unneeded drama of a boyfriend. Soon there after we went back to my place and my friend Josh came over and hung out, he also had dinner with the family, which was nice. My girlfriend left right before dinner, after dinner Josh started to get a little frisky, I added a little fuel to the fire which I probably shouldn't have done but did anyways, and sent him on his way
Rob texted me tonight which put me in an even better mood

I'm thinking I really like this guy, however, I definitely don't want to get involved in anything right now. At this point I have way too much shit going on, he also agrees with not wanting to get serious, so since we are on the same page it makes things easier. Wednesday I'm going to his place, I'm going to make grilled cheese and soup for dinner and he is going to pick which movie we are going to watch. It seems silly but I think it's cute
My friend that I haven't spoke to in months came over today and we made a mends. We had fallen out of touch because of my ex who completely manipulated our friendship. Anyways, we sat and talked for a couple of hours and did some catching up, I really missed her she was there for me through a lot of bullshit. We went to grab some food and then headed to the mall and did some shopping. It was good times all over again without the unneeded drama of a boyfriend. Soon there after we went back to my place and my friend Josh came over and hung out, he also had dinner with the family, which was nice. My girlfriend left right before dinner, after dinner Josh started to get a little frisky, I added a little fuel to the fire which I probably shouldn't have done but did anyways, and sent him on his way

Rob texted me tonight which put me in an even better mood

As for the guy thing, I say take it at your own your pace. Do not rush a good thing. If he is interested too, then he will not mind taking it slower. Sometimes a great thing is worth the wait. So good luck with that. I wish you nothing the best with that. You need something that makes you extremely happy after all you have been through over the past several months!