I saw Zombieland last night at my friends house and let me tell you that is not a movie you want to watch while eating dinner lol. When it started we sat there and looked each other, my friend said "maybe this movie wasn't such a good idea while eating" it was kind of funny.
When I got home last night my God-Brother was here
that made me happy, I don't get to see him very often and when I do it is a real treat. He was telling us about all the places he travels to for his job, he went to Germany!!! I want to go to Germany, I want to see where my mom came from! 
I had a hard time sleeping again last night I kept waking up every other hour and having to go to the restroom doesn't help either
not sure what is going on exactly, if it's my depression or what. My mom was kind of worried and sat down to talk with me last night, I told her I didn't exactly know what was wrong and that it just hit me like a sack of bricks during the day yesterday.
What is really making me upset today is the fact that it's Tuesday which is mine and Tiger's day to hang out and just relax or do relationship stuff but he would rather be with the guys..... Um, I get cut off on Sunday because he had to get up butt ass early yesterday to be out in LA and today I get off work 1:30 and he would rather hang out with the guys!! Apparently I am not as important as he says, whatever
So I guess I will lounge around, I don't really have anything to do right now, perhaps laundry? ick! I hate doing laundry.
Anyways, that is all for the time being.
When I got home last night my God-Brother was here

I had a hard time sleeping again last night I kept waking up every other hour and having to go to the restroom doesn't help either

What is really making me upset today is the fact that it's Tuesday which is mine and Tiger's day to hang out and just relax or do relationship stuff but he would rather be with the guys..... Um, I get cut off on Sunday because he had to get up butt ass early yesterday to be out in LA and today I get off work 1:30 and he would rather hang out with the guys!! Apparently I am not as important as he says, whatever

Anyways, that is all for the time being.
I loved Zombieland
hey at least you can do laundry. Our dryer broke and our new one won't be dilevered till friday. Top it all off we have bad weather so can't dry outside. Well hope you feel better.