It's been a little weird at night the past couple of nights, I don't know why but I have not been able to sleep. I am extremely tired but almost too afraid to actually fall asleep, kind of strange don't you think? When I actually do fall asleep I have weird dreams/nightmares of someone trying to kill me or breaking into my house or killing someone close to me, I have no idea why. Tiger says it might be the TV show I am watching all time, he is probably right about that but it's just too weird!
Last night I didn't get to sleep until 3am woke up at 6am and then woke up again at 9am, realized I needed to find out if someone was going to be able to make it out to Nuevo (Nuevo is like 45 mins from where I live) to a property to meet the water company or if I was going to have to do it. I was a little stressed about it because I have a V8 truck and V8's aren't to gas friendly, so I called my boss to see if he would be able to since it is his job to check up on all the properties and he said he would have to get back to me since he was at the hospital with his son, ok no problem. I called up Tiger as a back up plan just in case I needed to go out that way and he totally went off on a tangent before even hearing my situation!!!!

I was so pissed!!! As I was talking to him my friend/contractor called in and I told Tiger I gotta go I will figure it out, my friend came to the rescue and said no problem that he lives out that way anyways and while he is out there he can get me a bid to fix the sprinkler system
I was very upset with Tiger that he did that to me and then he had the nerve to text me with "Did you get the water turned on" and then an hour later he said "I guess you're not talking to me"? Well when he sent those two messages I was sleeping since I haven't been able to sleep, so when I woke up I called him back. I explained my feelings to him and he told me that when he heard "emergency" come out of my mouth he thought of when he lost his job when he helped with my truck, I had explained to him that he had gone off on a tangent before I could even explain my situation to him, he realized he fucked up and apologized for it and told me he would work on that.
I am happy that Tiger and I are working on things, it brings a sense of happiness I guess you could say? I can't really think of the word right now. So I went to lunch with my friend yesterday and I think my "friend" is trying to weasel his way between me and Tiger! I say this because I told him what had happened the last couple of weeks, you know because he is my friend and he told me that Tiger and I are like oil and vinegar, that we just don't mix. He then said that him and his ex-wife never fought, question! Why are they divorced?!?!?!
I told him that Tiger and I are working on things like communication, trust, etc. and it's almost like he didn't hear me because he went off talking about other things!!! omg, that is not a real friend! Like I said I think he wants to get in my pants.
Anyways, I believe that is all for today
Until next time 

*hugs and kisses*
Last night I didn't get to sleep until 3am woke up at 6am and then woke up again at 9am, realized I needed to find out if someone was going to be able to make it out to Nuevo (Nuevo is like 45 mins from where I live) to a property to meet the water company or if I was going to have to do it. I was a little stressed about it because I have a V8 truck and V8's aren't to gas friendly, so I called my boss to see if he would be able to since it is his job to check up on all the properties and he said he would have to get back to me since he was at the hospital with his son, ok no problem. I called up Tiger as a back up plan just in case I needed to go out that way and he totally went off on a tangent before even hearing my situation!!!!

I was very upset with Tiger that he did that to me and then he had the nerve to text me with "Did you get the water turned on" and then an hour later he said "I guess you're not talking to me"? Well when he sent those two messages I was sleeping since I haven't been able to sleep, so when I woke up I called him back. I explained my feelings to him and he told me that when he heard "emergency" come out of my mouth he thought of when he lost his job when he helped with my truck, I had explained to him that he had gone off on a tangent before I could even explain my situation to him, he realized he fucked up and apologized for it and told me he would work on that.
I am happy that Tiger and I are working on things, it brings a sense of happiness I guess you could say? I can't really think of the word right now. So I went to lunch with my friend yesterday and I think my "friend" is trying to weasel his way between me and Tiger! I say this because I told him what had happened the last couple of weeks, you know because he is my friend and he told me that Tiger and I are like oil and vinegar, that we just don't mix. He then said that him and his ex-wife never fought, question! Why are they divorced?!?!?!

Anyways, I believe that is all for today

A sincere apology makes all the difference!
Sorry you are having trouble... My sleeping pattern is pretty much like that all the time. I feel your pain.