Well, I'm back to tell you about the rest of my weekend....
Saturday he texted me that he had gotten fired from his job and blamed the whole thing on me, like he had nothing to do with it
whatever. After I got done with my "cattle call" in Beverly Hills I gave him a call to let him know what was going on with it and that it was a bunch of bullshit and before we hung up he said he loved me
really confused. I had gotten home after spending 3 hours in traffic only to have him come over and us basically fight over the fact that he had the nerve to call his ex and ask her for help to find a job AFTER he told me he wouldn't talk to her again (there was a ridiculous incident last year because of her) and he had the nerve to tell me this is how it's going to be from now on or something along those lines. He basically told me without actually saying it that I am lucky he is even staying with me
but I guess when you're in love with someone you are willing to stick it out with them, right?
After things calmed down we talked to get some stuff straight and I had asked to please not contact his ex anymore because it makes me uncomfortable and that it is un-nerving because he left me in the beginning of our relationship for someone else because he was confused about his feelings (I got the tattoo on my back because of him hurting me so bad, the two swords are protecting my heart from ever being hurt again and the kanji sign means protected). He agreed and said if he wouldn't have hurt me in the beginning I wouldn't be the way I am now about trusting him and I wouldn't have gotten that tattoo (the tattoo haunts him because I got it due to him hurting me the way he did, just giving you a little insight

We ended up going to the movies to see avatar just to get out and do something and plus he has been wanting to see that movie for a while, so I agreed to see it. As we watched the movie he made no attempt what so ever to hold my hand or really sit next to me, he sat in the seat next to me but wasn't all close to me like he normally was. About half way through the movie I made the attempt, I held his finger and then he took my hand and held it, made me happy. When we walked to my truck after the movie he opened my door and I looked at him and gave him a hug and then he kissed me so I kind of figured that was a good sign. We got back to my house and watched TV and watched some videos on YouTube which were pretty damn funny. The funny part is as we were going to sleep he made the first move to have sex and after he told me loved me and I started crying.
Sunday was ok, he had a hard time because of not having a job and he was really dwelling on it because he really had nothing to do to keep his mind pre-occupied and I tried my very best to help him out with that. He was more loving and affectionate yesterday and was not as stand-offish it was just more toward the evening time he was a little distant but other than that V-day was ok
a lot better than I expected it to be.
We were talking on the phone not to long ago and he had mentioned something about his mom making vietnamese food and I am sucker for vietnamese food. I was kind of hinting around that I wanted to go to his house (normally when I do that he invites me over) and he ignored the fact that I even said anything, which really hurt a lot, I started crying after we hung up. I am not sure if I am over reacting or what but it really does hurt a lot.
But that is what happened over the weekend or at least what I can really remember. I really needed to vent and get all this off my chest.
Saturday he texted me that he had gotten fired from his job and blamed the whole thing on me, like he had nothing to do with it

After things calmed down we talked to get some stuff straight and I had asked to please not contact his ex anymore because it makes me uncomfortable and that it is un-nerving because he left me in the beginning of our relationship for someone else because he was confused about his feelings (I got the tattoo on my back because of him hurting me so bad, the two swords are protecting my heart from ever being hurt again and the kanji sign means protected). He agreed and said if he wouldn't have hurt me in the beginning I wouldn't be the way I am now about trusting him and I wouldn't have gotten that tattoo (the tattoo haunts him because I got it due to him hurting me the way he did, just giving you a little insight


We ended up going to the movies to see avatar just to get out and do something and plus he has been wanting to see that movie for a while, so I agreed to see it. As we watched the movie he made no attempt what so ever to hold my hand or really sit next to me, he sat in the seat next to me but wasn't all close to me like he normally was. About half way through the movie I made the attempt, I held his finger and then he took my hand and held it, made me happy. When we walked to my truck after the movie he opened my door and I looked at him and gave him a hug and then he kissed me so I kind of figured that was a good sign. We got back to my house and watched TV and watched some videos on YouTube which were pretty damn funny. The funny part is as we were going to sleep he made the first move to have sex and after he told me loved me and I started crying.
Sunday was ok, he had a hard time because of not having a job and he was really dwelling on it because he really had nothing to do to keep his mind pre-occupied and I tried my very best to help him out with that. He was more loving and affectionate yesterday and was not as stand-offish it was just more toward the evening time he was a little distant but other than that V-day was ok

We were talking on the phone not to long ago and he had mentioned something about his mom making vietnamese food and I am sucker for vietnamese food. I was kind of hinting around that I wanted to go to his house (normally when I do that he invites me over) and he ignored the fact that I even said anything, which really hurt a lot, I started crying after we hung up. I am not sure if I am over reacting or what but it really does hurt a lot.
But that is what happened over the weekend or at least what I can really remember. I really needed to vent and get all this off my chest.
I hope things smooth over soon!
I hope things work out but remember just because they don't It wasn't your fault and maybe you need to put some distance between you and him till he getts over whats bothering him. FOr if he does love you he will come back.