Today I've been kind of moody, bitchy, etc. not sure why maybe it's because I'm a girl? who knows. The boyfriend is supposed to come over tonight but since he went straight home from work he will probably just stay home, whatever
Last night he went over to his friends house, understandable since it was his night to do whatever he wanted. Of course me being the girlfriend I am got upset because it was the friend whose wife is pregnant
why am I mad you ask? Because November 14th 2008 I had an abortion, our child would have been 7 months this month, so I guess you could say I am jealous and resentful
My boyfriend says that I would be the aunt of their child but the thing is I get the feeling they don't like me very much
it's just a vibe that I am getting from their end. To be quite honest I don't really care if they like me or not only because I have more important things to worry about in life than if two people out who knows how many that I know like me or not.
On a happier note I go to meet with a photographer on Sunday to plan out our shoot
I am totally excited about that. Anyways, I am going to go find some food my tummy is making noise! 

Last night he went over to his friends house, understandable since it was his night to do whatever he wanted. Of course me being the girlfriend I am got upset because it was the friend whose wife is pregnant

On a happier note I go to meet with a photographer on Sunday to plan out our shoot

tell him you are gonna go out if he doesnt come over. if you are upset, its for a reason and being a girl probably isnt it. have a good night whatever you do!