Since my last blog I did hear from Rob.......
It turns out he was waiting for me to initiate contact and vise versa. I feel really bad because of the miss communication and from what it sounded like he felt even worse about it and thought I was pulling away in a sense. So everything is ok....... Well........ I have a confession to make SG...
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It turns out he was waiting for me to initiate contact and vise versa. I feel really bad because of the miss communication and from what it sounded like he felt even worse about it and thought I was pulling away in a sense. So everything is ok....... Well........ I have a confession to make SG...
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I'm sorry I haven't written in a while, I've been really sick.....
I don't really have any updates on anything.....
Tonight I think Rob's true colors are coming out but I don't know for sure. The last text I received from him was at 5:40 before his son showed up to his house. Let me remind you, I have NO Issues with him having a...
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I don't really have any updates on anything.....
Tonight I think Rob's true colors are coming out but I don't know for sure. The last text I received from him was at 5:40 before his son showed up to his house. Let me remind you, I have NO Issues with him having a...
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Follow your heart...quiet your mind and listen to what your heart tells you. I wish you good luck and peace. I know we just "met" here, but I could do a Rune reading for you...they are llike the Tarot and it may give you some insight. I love your pics and will do a drawing for you. And don't give up on all men...some of us are pretty decent...a few, but we are here for you. Take care and stay safe. xoxoxoxo
It sounds like he thinks about you a lot. He wrote you a poem, he sent a text to you to tell you he was thinking about you. And then his son arrived, at which point he dedicated himself to his son and (I'm guessing) occasionally posted to Facebook. Are you jealous of his son, jealous of the time he spent on Facebook, or angry that the poem and text were not enough display of affection for one day?
I'm not sticking up for him. If you have a standing "text me goodnight" tradition, then he definitely dropped the ball. My question to you is, did you send him any texts letting him know you cared about him? Ask yourself: "Why am I so upset about this?" and "What is it about his behavior that I fell threatens our relationship?". You're obviously thinking that his actions show he doesn't care, but I think he does, just perhaps doesn't understand how much you need to be told.
I'm not sticking up for him. If you have a standing "text me goodnight" tradition, then he definitely dropped the ball. My question to you is, did you send him any texts letting him know you cared about him? Ask yourself: "Why am I so upset about this?" and "What is it about his behavior that I fell threatens our relationship?". You're obviously thinking that his actions show he doesn't care, but I think he does, just perhaps doesn't understand how much you need to be told.
I'm sorry SG, for not blogging for the past couple of days...........
It's been a little hectic, so we will start with Wednesday........
If I remember correctly I didn't tell you guys what was going on with my brother. He is about to be married May 29th to a girl who desperately needs to grow up and I'll tell you why. Last weekend my brother...
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It's been a little hectic, so we will start with Wednesday........
If I remember correctly I didn't tell you guys what was going on with my brother. He is about to be married May 29th to a girl who desperately needs to grow up and I'll tell you why. Last weekend my brother...
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I think you are doing the right thing by taking things slow. He seems like an amazing guy
and is obviously just as into you as you are him!
I think you should just keep doing things like you are and when the time is right, then it will progress. I personally feel that when it comes to love there is no need to rush it. True love is totally worth waiting for! I am so excited for you and incredibly happy that you have found someone who treats you like should be and keeps a constant smile on your face!

So yesterday was pretty fucking awesome.......
My friend Catey came over yesterday for the first time since things started really taking off with Rob. She was in shock at how giddy and happy I was as she has never me in this state before, especially since she knew my ex. I needed to run some errands and asked if would like to go with me,...
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My friend Catey came over yesterday for the first time since things started really taking off with Rob. She was in shock at how giddy and happy I was as she has never me in this state before, especially since she knew my ex. I needed to run some errands and asked if would like to go with me,...
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I am glad you are so happy.
I am so glad you are happy!
You deserve it after all you have been through in the past. Good luck with Rob! I wish you nothing but the best! *hugs*

Ok so I can't sleep........
I was laying in bed and all I could think about is Rob. His eyes, his smile, his gorgeous hair

the way he touches my face when he kisses me. I can't stop smiling SG, this is insane.
I can't stand kids, I don't want kids, they get on my one last fucking nerve........

Rob has a little boy, he's...
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I was laying in bed and all I could think about is Rob. His eyes, his smile, his gorgeous hair

I can't stand kids, I don't want kids, they get on my one last fucking nerve........

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He knows how I feel about it and it will never be done in my presence. 

You really like him. That is all. It is a good thing.
As for the kid thing, I never wanted them either and they got on my nerves as well. When I met my current boyfriend I found out he had a son who just turned four. I was hesitant to enter the relationship due to the fact that he had a son and I really did not want kids, but at the same time I did not want to hold it against him. So I gave both him and his son a chance. We have been living together so far for 6 months and have been together almost a year. It hasn't been perfect and there are days in which his little boy makes me feel pulling my hair out, but there are good moments too. For example, getting hugs and kisses and having a child who starts to look up to you. It changes your perspective on things a bit. Good luck with it all! 

Ok so it's later
After discussing our feelings and how we felt about the situation, I suggested we watch The Big Lebowski. I had watched it once before but with someone who was just mind numbingly stupid, my ex. When I watched it this time around I found it to be quite funny, well what we watched of it. During the movie we both...
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After discussing our feelings and how we felt about the situation, I suggested we watch The Big Lebowski. I had watched it once before but with someone who was just mind numbingly stupid, my ex. When I watched it this time around I found it to be quite funny, well what we watched of it. During the movie we both...
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I do not think anything is wrong with you! I think you really like this guy and it is cute that you get butterflies and feel all nervous about seeing him. It is like being 13 again and having a school girl crush without being 13. Hopefully, as your relationship progresses, which I am sure it will, then you won't feel like bolting when you see him without planning to. I am sure he would have been glad to see you. It sounds like he likes you just as much! 

aw lebowski is always a win. jeff bridges is lovely. the fisher king is a good one too.
And go to germany. take pics and show us all the adventure.
And go to germany. take pics and show us all the adventure.
Last night was simply amazing.......
Rob picked me up later than expected but it was ok because he was keeping me in the loop as to what was going on the entire time he was geeking out with our friends. When he called to tell me he was coming to get me I got extremely nervous and giddy, I couldn't wait to see him. When...
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Rob picked me up later than expected but it was ok because he was keeping me in the loop as to what was going on the entire time he was geeking out with our friends. When he called to tell me he was coming to get me I got extremely nervous and giddy, I couldn't wait to see him. When...
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That is awesome to see you so excited!
You have to love that giddy happy feeling ...
Last night I had a ton of fun........
My friend Lynette e-mailed me the other day telling me about a surprise congrats party for her man who is also a good friend of mine. So last night my mom, sister and I gathered up and went to the yardhouse to surprise him, I guess from what I was told, he feels like he has no...
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My friend Lynette e-mailed me the other day telling me about a surprise congrats party for her man who is also a good friend of mine. So last night my mom, sister and I gathered up and went to the yardhouse to surprise him, I guess from what I was told, he feels like he has no...
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Looks fun. I hope that all goes well with Rob tonight!
Last night was awesome.......
Rob came and picked me up last night and when I saw him I got all nervous inside and my heart started to beat just a little faster than normal. I feel like such a dork sometimes but I guess that's how it feels when you're really digging someone the way that I am with him.

We ended up going out...
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Rob came and picked me up last night and when I saw him I got all nervous inside and my heart started to beat just a little faster than normal. I feel like such a dork sometimes but I guess that's how it feels when you're really digging someone the way that I am with him.

We ended up going out...
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Age is just a number. Its all about how well you get along!
I am glad that things are going so well with you and Rob and that something actually has you smiling for once. As for what Franie said, do not fret about the age difference. It doesn't matter. Age is all in how you feel!
So I am quite aggravated at the moment.......
If you read my last blog you know that my friend and I made a mends. Well, I don't think I mentioned before that my brother and my friend had a fling that didn't go so well, so there is bad blood between the two of them. When she was over yesterday my brother showed up out...
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If you read my last blog you know that my friend and I made a mends. Well, I don't think I mentioned before that my brother and my friend had a fling that didn't go so well, so there is bad blood between the two of them. When she was over yesterday my brother showed up out...
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Try not to overthink it. I know that can be hard sometimes.
I am so sorry you had a bad day
. I have to agree with you though on something. It is ridiculous that your brother is still friends with your ex and invited him to his wedding knowing that you will definitely be there and then at the same time expects you not to have his ex at YOUR house when he is over. If he wants you to respect him by doing that, then in my opinion he should respect you and not expect you to have to encounter your ex. After all, he knows all that your ex put you through. I hope that this situation improves.
Spending time with your friend was something that made you happier and you needed it. You should not have to stop having your friends over, especially after just now becoming friends again. It was something that was making you happy and your brother should appreciate that. He should not be able to dictate when you have people over just because it makes him uncomfortable, especially if he can not do the same for you!
As for the Rob thing, do not worry too much about it. I am sure he did not think you were sounding stupid and besides you could always explain it to him in more detail later when his son is not with him, if you feel the need to! I hope you feel better soon...*hugs*

As for the Rob thing, do not worry too much about it. I am sure he did not think you were sounding stupid and besides you could always explain it to him in more detail later when his son is not with him, if you feel the need to! I hope you feel better soon...*hugs*
Today was an extremely proactive day.......
My friend that I haven't spoke to in months came over today and we made a mends. We had fallen out of touch because of my ex who completely manipulated our friendship. Anyways, we sat and talked for a couple of hours and did some catching up, I really missed her she was there for me through a lot...
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My friend that I haven't spoke to in months came over today and we made a mends. We had fallen out of touch because of my ex who completely manipulated our friendship. Anyways, we sat and talked for a couple of hours and did some catching up, I really missed her she was there for me through a lot...
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If you like that guy, take things as slow as you want.
I am so happy that you and your friend made a mends. It is so horrible when a relationship causes friends to break apart. Girls need friends to hang out with, and talk to, and get advice from. It is hard not having that. Trust me, I know. I am slow to trust anyone and for some reason more reason girls. A lot of times in the past I have made friends with girls and gotten really close to them and they end up screwing me over somehow. So I am glad to know that someone has found a friend that they can count on!
As for the guy thing, I say take it at your own your pace. Do not rush a good thing. If he is interested too, then he will not mind taking it slower. Sometimes a great thing is worth the wait. So good luck with that. I wish you nothing the best with that. You need something that makes you extremely happy after all you have been through over the past several months!
Keep us updated.

As for the guy thing, I say take it at your own your pace. Do not rush a good thing. If he is interested too, then he will not mind taking it slower. Sometimes a great thing is worth the wait. So good luck with that. I wish you nothing the best with that. You need something that makes you extremely happy after all you have been through over the past several months!

Ok, so last night I had a date........
I went out with this guy on Monday of this last week, just as friends. We both have the same group that we chill with from time to time so we figured what the hell, right. It was cool, there were no sparks, nothing like that, well until he came to pick me up yesterday. His facial...
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I went out with this guy on Monday of this last week, just as friends. We both have the same group that we chill with from time to time so we figured what the hell, right. It was cool, there were no sparks, nothing like that, well until he came to pick me up yesterday. His facial...
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That is kinda strange I don't think I've ever been in the bed with a woman and stopped but as long as it wasn't weird I guess it would be okay
Congrats ! I was like that with my G/F, didn't have sex for a couple weeks after we started dating.
I think it shows maturity and a respect for that person.
I think it shows maturity and a respect for that person.
I hope that whatever happens though that you are happy right now