i haven't written on here in forever...danica is big! she's very curious and loves attention. i think she is the cutest baby i have ever seen. no kidding. i'm not just saying that because she's mine...ok maybe i am! ya caught me! he he he. so basically she is my life. i have been working at my cousin's daycare. i love the kids the kids...
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Cool, she's got a great Mom from the sound of it. And hope you get better with your health things.
I'm sorry, health issues are always rough. Your right, you need to stay positive. I've seen some miraculous things happen in my life to people just because they had the right state of mind.
Well.....here I am. My daughter is 4 months old. she is great. I love her smile, her giggle, the twinkle in her eye when she looks into mine. mohterhood has brought so much joy. her father is around alot more. so much that I think she actually recongnizes him. oh she is great i could just go on all day. the only downfall is that...
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I know that movie is awesome.
Love the new pics.
Wow it has been far far too long. Last time I was on I was four months pregnant....my daughter is 2 months old! Oh my goodness my daughter! She is so fucking gorgeous! I am so in love with my lil darlin. Motherhood is incredible.
I am doing well. I am truly happy and content with my life. I am single and still seeing my...
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I am doing well. I am truly happy and content with my life. I am single and still seeing my...
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I see you've got Ryah in your top five, she went straight into mine when I saw her too...
ps, hi I'm kate
ps, hi I'm kate
It's been a while. Hope all is well with everyone. I'm going to look for a second job today YAY!!
Thank god my prego tummy isn't sticking out too much I'll just have to wear something slimming. So uh yeah I'm 4 and a half months this week, thats like half way woo hoo
This pregnant thing, not so hot. I like my boobs tho
Happy Birthday!
Plans have changed. I'm not moving to rio rancho anymore
and I think that me and my boyfriend are broken up
I actually think I'm going to move to alabama
to be with my mommy and big bro. I have no idea when I'm getting my set up because my boyfriend just so happend to be my photogropher
Yeah so shits fucked right now
So the thing that happend is.........I'm pregnant yeah me the responsible one. After all that is said and done I'm keeping the little monster
I'm freakin out but I am sure everything is going to be okay.
well uh congratulations
see now you had a good reason to miss VANESSA's b-day bash.
Well life is pretty stressfull right now. I got thrown an unexpected surprise and some people are here for me and others don't want me to do this. Ug I'm just so fustrated and I know what I want to do but I cant be selfish.
What's wrong sweetie? I'm here for ya love!!! hit me up if you need someone to talk to.
My number is in SGNM
That sucks dude....Cheer up thing will get betta
today was a good day......no work. We went to our house and hung some stuff up and watered our plants. Hmm not to mention the mind boggling sex while his friend was in the next room.....I tied him up tee hee hee
Then I got to go shopping new lingerie YAY!!! Its hot I'm definatly wearing it for my set. For some reason we all...
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YAY!! new tat today...well an addition to the one I have I'll put some pics up when I feel like it. So I applied to be a suicidegirl and I'm so super nervous........for some reason I just don't think I'm gonna get it but hopefully because I wanna show everyone my boobies
yay for boobies!!! what kinda set you gunna do?
Well I wanna go out to diablo canyon I don't know if you'v ever been there but its reall pretty. Well were gonna set up on the rocks and I wanna wear a little cowgirl outfit. How does that sound?
This is the most exciting thing ever. I mean i knew it was coming but so soon that it caught me off guard. So we get done painting and were in the shower. Oh and we are me and josh-boyfriend. We just get finished having this amazing sex
and he looks me in the eyes and says "jeanne" really serious. I'm kinda freakin out cause...
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OH MY LORD!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS SWEETIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I answered your question on SGNM. hope it helps!!!!!!!!!
I answered your question on SGNM. hope it helps!!!!!!!!!
So today were going to go finish painting our casa. YAY!!!
Were also going to take our couch and some stuff from my room since my parents want me out so bad they took all my stuff down
I'ts okay i needed to get out of there. So everyone who stops by my page have a great day!
Well lets see we painted our room lightning white 2 walls and the other walls a really deep red. In the living room/dining area a surprisingly pretty light green. It looks so great.. I'm so excited!!
Hi. Nice to meet you.