I had to wake up SOOO early this morning to give someone a ride home so they could go to school today. <--This is code for "THE SECOND DATE WAS AWESOME." But get your minds out the gutter you dirty rotters..not how you're thinking.
IT was just a great night. Another daytime gift delivery, this time wine and chocolates.. and lemon gin (gag gift, don' t ask), and then supper at Casa Italia. Soooo good. Then back to my place where I grabbed some party/dancing clothes... and then we fell asleep here. We HAD planned on going to a movie, or out dancing, but no.. we fell asleep. (shh.. I think I liked the cuddling more than I would have the partying)
We woke up later, did some talking, cuddling, etc.. then back to bed for some real sleep.
I'm not sure, but I think I'm falling for this one...wish me luck...
IT was just a great night. Another daytime gift delivery, this time wine and chocolates.. and lemon gin (gag gift, don' t ask), and then supper at Casa Italia. Soooo good. Then back to my place where I grabbed some party/dancing clothes... and then we fell asleep here. We HAD planned on going to a movie, or out dancing, but no.. we fell asleep. (shh.. I think I liked the cuddling more than I would have the partying)
We woke up later, did some talking, cuddling, etc.. then back to bed for some real sleep.
I'm not sure, but I think I'm falling for this one...wish me luck...

awesome 2nd date. I much prefer cuddling to partying too! I'll bet she's falling for you too, Mr. Romance! You got it goin!!!

you have fallen already