I think I'm slowly getting over my school-boy crush on "N". I hung out with her and her sweet heart of a roommate (she's taken...don't even suggest it) tonight. I'm not sure if it was the company, the music, or the venue, (or all three)but it was honestly the worst night out I've had in ages. Between wanting to lay in to N for the other night, shitty music, short pouring bar tenders, and well.. I guess maybe a pretty shitty mood on my part.. I think I had the worst night out I've had in ages... AGES...
PS Does anyone want to help me burn down the Freehouse?
*edit* It looks like I'm getting my car back today.. I knew it was a shitty night for a reason.. to prepare me for a wikkid day.. this means I can go to S'toon this weekend.
PS Does anyone want to help me burn down the Freehouse?
*edit* It looks like I'm getting my car back today.. I knew it was a shitty night for a reason.. to prepare me for a wikkid day.. this means I can go to S'toon this weekend.
i know what you mean i just realized that the man im in love with (and have been for awhile) is a complete fucktard

it wasn't fun and its a long ass story, but needless to say I'm really off men for a long while