How stupid is it that I can get a much more stable and reliable internet connection through my neighbours wireless internet than I can from my own house? And my roommate, the guy's who's network it is, is a bloody sys-admin. If I was his boss I'd probably fire him... how hard is it to get a decent router and configure it?
PS Rufus Wainwright is teh awesome!
PS Should we have the pillow fight that I mentioned before on the same day as the Fall PotLuck? Oh yeah, speaking of the pot luck.. How does Dec 9 work for everyone? Comments, suggestions? And who all is interested?
PS Rufus Wainwright is teh awesome!
PS Should we have the pillow fight that I mentioned before on the same day as the Fall PotLuck? Oh yeah, speaking of the pot luck.. How does Dec 9 work for everyone? Comments, suggestions? And who all is interested?
I totally concur with your opinion of Rufus Wainwright. I just bought the "Poses" CD from Kasara last week, and I'd very much like to see him live someday.
don't get me started on your roommate.
And, um, where?