Has anyone else noticed that a lot of the models pictures seem over shopped these days? I keep noticing that the skin on these girls is so OVERLY flawless that it looks unnatural. I thought we were hear to look at girls, not cyborgs manufactured by HotPunkGirls Inc.
Maybe it's just me, but it freaks me out...and it's dull. What's wrong with a freckle...or a mole...
On to other things... Calculus kicked my ass on the midterm, so did Statistics..
but Mandarin and World Poli seem to be going well.. dear lord why did I pick all those classes together..
OH yes... I'm counting on you folks to spread the idea of a Fall/Xmas Pot luck around to all the other SG Regina and SG Sask that I don't keep in touch with.. see what they think.. maybe we can finally get TokyoSeven to come down...
Has anyone else noticed that a lot of the models pictures seem over shopped these days? I keep noticing that the skin on these girls is so OVERLY flawless that it looks unnatural. I thought we were hear to look at girls, not cyborgs manufactured by HotPunkGirls Inc.
Maybe it's just me, but it freaks me out...and it's dull. What's wrong with a freckle...or a mole...
On to other things... Calculus kicked my ass on the midterm, so did Statistics..

but Mandarin and World Poli seem to be going well.. dear lord why did I pick all those classes together..
OH yes... I'm counting on you folks to spread the idea of a Fall/Xmas Pot luck around to all the other SG Regina and SG Sask that I don't keep in touch with.. see what they think.. maybe we can finally get TokyoSeven to come down...
im glad u liked the film

oh i thought we were already friends heheh anyway :-)