Ok folks, it's fall. And I joined this crazy crew of people about a year ago, and met a bunch of you down at Earls. That seemed to be a nicely successful SGRegina/Surrounding Area party.. and so I posit that we have another such event.
The lovely, and recently married, Beledi and I were thinking maybe of a pot luck!!
Something with
and some
and maybe some more
and most of all... you wonderful people that make my day when you post in your journals.
( I was going to post pictures of you folks, but all I could find was naked pictures of the ladies...shucks darn)
I haven't really thought of when we might do this... Novemberish? Maybe shortly after classes end in December, but before the bulk of exams..??
Please throw this idea around and get back to me.
We now return you to your regularily scheduled viewing of HOT NAKED LADIES!!!!
The lovely, and recently married, Beledi and I were thinking maybe of a pot luck!!
Something with

and some

and maybe some more

and most of all... you wonderful people that make my day when you post in your journals.
( I was going to post pictures of you folks, but all I could find was naked pictures of the ladies...shucks darn)
I haven't really thought of when we might do this... Novemberish? Maybe shortly after classes end in December, but before the bulk of exams..??
Please throw this idea around and get back to me.
We now return you to your regularily scheduled viewing of HOT NAKED LADIES!!!!
Mee hee hee...I'm not sure if I'd know what to do with myself!
yup, that would be a major kidney stone. I have heard that the pain associated with a guy having a kidney stone is at about the same level as a woman giving birth...I have found a new respect for motherhood!