Calling all band geeks... not sure if any of you folks that read my journal might be band geeks but if you are
Band Geeks for Life <--It's a new group... could be fun.
Um... Who's interested in a Fall SG gathering? Beledi and I thought maybe a pot luck?
This time I'll see who's interested before planning the event....
Band Geeks for Life <--It's a new group... could be fun.
Um... Who's interested in a Fall SG gathering? Beledi and I thought maybe a pot luck?
This time I'll see who's interested before planning the event....
Oh oh, and the underoo dance is just a fun and special way of removing ones underpants during a photoshoot...or I suppose if you're dancing for someone...or if you're going pee, getting in the shower, or getting ready for bed I suppose....whatever sprinkles your cupcake.
(spazzing smiley) I can get eggnog at Safeway?!!!!