So... if anyone was paying attention to my last couple journal entries, I was having some....issues.
They are pretty much resolved at this point. I had a chat with the girl that I kissed/kissed me. The girl that I had previously asked for dinner wasn't really too upset about the whole thing since she actually kinda likes this other guy. Which pretty much lets me off the hook. The girl that I kissed though... she thinks that she's damaged goods and that I shouldn't want to date her, but hasn't said no to hanging out etc etc since we are still friend.
She knows I'm interested. That's good enough for now, I'll just see if anything develops. If not, no harm no foul. I still have two really hot female friends that I can hang out with...even if I don't date either one of them.
So... even if things didn't turn out the way I wanted them too, no one got hurt.
They are pretty much resolved at this point. I had a chat with the girl that I kissed/kissed me. The girl that I had previously asked for dinner wasn't really too upset about the whole thing since she actually kinda likes this other guy. Which pretty much lets me off the hook. The girl that I kissed though... she thinks that she's damaged goods and that I shouldn't want to date her, but hasn't said no to hanging out etc etc since we are still friend.
She knows I'm interested. That's good enough for now, I'll just see if anything develops. If not, no harm no foul. I still have two really hot female friends that I can hang out with...even if I don't date either one of them.
So... even if things didn't turn out the way I wanted them too, no one got hurt.
Sorry I've kinda sucked in the journal comment area lately
i'm damaged goods and didn't think that anyone would wanna date me... but i was proven wrong. all you've gotta do is prove the girl wrong! don't give up!!!