Tonight Karma kicked me SQUARE in the ass. You see, I don't think I'm a bad person....but I do present opportunities for friends to indulge in certain things. I'm a bad influence you might say. But really.. I don't think I'm a bad person.
SO tonight.. Karma caught up with me. I was supposed to go see a friend for a bit in Chamberlain, about 45 minutes North of Regina.. No problem, quick trip there, quick trip back...then back to studying for my 2.. count em TWO exams tomorrow.
I started of my trip right after work...drove north, not noticing the BIG sign that told me which road to take. I was an hour and a bit north, (Raymore to be exact) when I called my friend and found out that I had taken the wrong road.
SO, I ask him how to get to chamberlain, apparently I was North and East about an hour....(half an hour in his terms).
I took a road that would lead me eventually to the right place, only to find that it was closed. So I had to follow a detour.
A gravel road detour....
that had melted a few days ago
and refrozen lately, leaving MANY deep ruts and mud chunks.
I drive a little car, a civic to be exact. It didn't like these roads too much... felt a little rough driving, and I heard loud bangs from time to time...just mud chunks I thought... not too bad.
Then, when the road seemed to smooth out, my car was still riding rough. I stopped to check the tires. 2 flats...
I dunno if anyone else is good at math like me,
but 2 flats+ 1 spare tire= bad news
As luck would have it, a kind samaritan was along within a minute, and saw my predicament. After learning that I was not going to be able to move my car tonight he offered to let me stay the night at his house.
Score (Karma 2, Samaritan 1)
We talked for a little bit, and I mentioned trying to get in touch with my profs to delay my exams... upon which he offered to lend me his truck so I could get to school and write my exams (what an amazing guy).
I thought about it, and took him up on his offer, so now I have this guys truck.
So, I'm on my merry way back to Regina, busting myass to get here in a hurry, when... I pass this other truck coming from the opposite direction. Said truck rapidly breaks, and pulls a U-ball.
Enter...the RCMP.
SO here I am, in someone elses truck, with my MB license, speeding (120 K), on my way to Regina. And the officer asks me how my night is going....
(Karma 3 Samaritans 2)
Ever hear that honesty is the best policy... it sure was tonight. The Very awesome officer let me off with a warning.
And so... I made it back to town, found someone to work for me tomorrow night(samaritans 3), and now I have to study.
And so... Karma being the very fair power that it is, got three REALLY good swipes at me tonight. (ok ok, I get it... don't do bad things) But, I think that since I'm genereally a pretty nice person, Karma let me off the hook by bringing these samaritans into my life.
Final Score Karma 3 Samaritans 3
And one lesson learned.
Oh yeah... and one other thing... I will NEVER NEVER underestimate the kindness of strangers... especially the ones I've met in Saskatchewan.
SO tonight.. Karma caught up with me. I was supposed to go see a friend for a bit in Chamberlain, about 45 minutes North of Regina.. No problem, quick trip there, quick trip back...then back to studying for my 2.. count em TWO exams tomorrow.
I started of my trip right after work...drove north, not noticing the BIG sign that told me which road to take. I was an hour and a bit north, (Raymore to be exact) when I called my friend and found out that I had taken the wrong road.
SO, I ask him how to get to chamberlain, apparently I was North and East about an hour....(half an hour in his terms).
I took a road that would lead me eventually to the right place, only to find that it was closed. So I had to follow a detour.
A gravel road detour....
that had melted a few days ago
and refrozen lately, leaving MANY deep ruts and mud chunks.
I drive a little car, a civic to be exact. It didn't like these roads too much... felt a little rough driving, and I heard loud bangs from time to time...just mud chunks I thought... not too bad.
Then, when the road seemed to smooth out, my car was still riding rough. I stopped to check the tires. 2 flats...
I dunno if anyone else is good at math like me,
but 2 flats+ 1 spare tire= bad news
As luck would have it, a kind samaritan was along within a minute, and saw my predicament. After learning that I was not going to be able to move my car tonight he offered to let me stay the night at his house.
Score (Karma 2, Samaritan 1)
We talked for a little bit, and I mentioned trying to get in touch with my profs to delay my exams... upon which he offered to lend me his truck so I could get to school and write my exams (what an amazing guy).
I thought about it, and took him up on his offer, so now I have this guys truck.
So, I'm on my merry way back to Regina, busting myass to get here in a hurry, when... I pass this other truck coming from the opposite direction. Said truck rapidly breaks, and pulls a U-ball.
Enter...the RCMP.
SO here I am, in someone elses truck, with my MB license, speeding (120 K), on my way to Regina. And the officer asks me how my night is going....
(Karma 3 Samaritans 2)
Ever hear that honesty is the best policy... it sure was tonight. The Very awesome officer let me off with a warning.
And so... I made it back to town, found someone to work for me tomorrow night(samaritans 3), and now I have to study.
And so... Karma being the very fair power that it is, got three REALLY good swipes at me tonight. (ok ok, I get it... don't do bad things) But, I think that since I'm genereally a pretty nice person, Karma let me off the hook by bringing these samaritans into my life.
Final Score Karma 3 Samaritans 3
And one lesson learned.
Oh yeah... and one other thing... I will NEVER NEVER underestimate the kindness of strangers... especially the ones I've met in Saskatchewan.
As long as you learned your lesson
it's gets you into all sorts of trouble.