So today, I attended the fourth funeral for someone under 30 in the past year. And, Im taking time to reflect after this one. It has been painfully pointed out to me that life, as we know it is fragile. That the ones that we love, we need to let them know how we feel before it is too late. I encourage all of you to express to those close to you, and not so close to you how you feel about them. Tell everyone you care about that they matter to you.
To those who I care about,
Today has been a powerful day in my life. Ive seen all of you in a new light. My life, and my world would not be the same without you. If by some unlucky and unfortunate occurrence, I dont see you again, I want you all to know a few things.
My life is special because of you.
Remember the good times we had, you know.. that time when we did that thing together *yes. I know this means something different to everyone.thats the point
Remember how happy I amits because of you.
Love each other.
Do not mourn me. remember me.
If I am gone and you need me, I am still there, I am listening.
No matter what comes nextno matter how far away it takes me, I promiseDeath is not a strong enough barrier to keep me away from those I love. I will watch, I will care I WILL protect.
I promise from this day that I will let you know that I care about you; that you matter to me. Dont let me pass you by and not say hi, dont let me pass an opportunity to include you in my life. We never know when our time is up.
To those who I care about,
Today has been a powerful day in my life. Ive seen all of you in a new light. My life, and my world would not be the same without you. If by some unlucky and unfortunate occurrence, I dont see you again, I want you all to know a few things.
My life is special because of you.
Remember the good times we had, you know.. that time when we did that thing together *yes. I know this means something different to everyone.thats the point
Remember how happy I amits because of you.
Love each other.
Do not mourn me. remember me.
If I am gone and you need me, I am still there, I am listening.
No matter what comes nextno matter how far away it takes me, I promiseDeath is not a strong enough barrier to keep me away from those I love. I will watch, I will care I WILL protect.
I promise from this day that I will let you know that I care about you; that you matter to me. Dont let me pass you by and not say hi, dont let me pass an opportunity to include you in my life. We never know when our time is up.
soo short.
like me?
uh, i know i was going somewhere with this...
have fun with drinks tonight.
i have work, then plans.
i was thinking i'll be at O'hanlans tomorrow @ 8ish. be THERE or be square!
I am so sorry about not getting back to you in time last night. I got the message after 5 and by that point you were grey? That shocked me cause I couldn't even contact you through your email