LOL, It feels like Christmas come early, and don't rush to judgment and think me a sadist when I tell you why ;-)
Morning got off to a bad start. I was planning on going to an early showing of the new Star Trek, but last night I got a call from my best friend in Orlando and he had planned a day trip of canoeing for us. There was a 12 mile strtch of river he wanted to conquer and nobody in Orlando could keep up with him, so he decided to kill two birds with one stone and come pick me and drive me up to Orlando (my license is restricted so I can't drive myself). We get to hang and he beats his river, it was a good plan.
Fell apart around six am when his girlfriend had an minor emergency. No big deal but he needed to be there for her, so no harm no foul, but it bit the big one.
So I changed out of hiking gear and into regular clothes and rushed to the movie.
It was worth it. Great film, and I mean amazing. If you haven't seen it or have decided yet if you want to, you do. If you wait till it comes out on video you'll regret not seeing it on the big screen. And don't worry if you're not a Trekkie or a Sci-Fi fan, there's enough hand to hand and blowing shit up to satisfy any action buff.
So day's back on track, disappointing morning, but great film pushed into the plus then I get home and its Christmas come early. My sister calls. Last night she. . . found a moment of clarity with the guy she's been dating. We thought he was 33, and evidently he thought she was 28, and last night they stumbled on the truth, because of Top Gun ;-) The fact that Val Kilmer is involved amuses me as much as anything else. Turns out they have very different memories of how old they were when they first saw Top Gun, 20 years difference. My sister's 23, her guy, 43 ;-)
I know it sounds horrible to be so amused by this, but you have to know my sister. She is an extremely methodical and precise personality bordering on intense anal retentiveness. For her to miss something like this is a cosmic joke. And its really no big deal to either of them, it was just a shock factor, so its not really damaging to there relationship. I wouldn't be this amused if my sister's relationship is on the rocks, but since everything good, its the funniest thing I have heard in weeks. LOL, my dad was 19 when he had me, he's only 3 years older than this guy.
She was worried I would freak actually. Once I started laughing she was relieved, than a little insulted, and then more relieved as we talked. Honestly I think the guy being older can help a relationship, generally speaking girls are usually more mature than guys, and having a few years on them levels the playing field. Though 20 is a stretch ;-) (this is also proof that life's unfair, not only do they mature faster but women live longer, we die before we have the chance to catch up ;-)
So, happy day. Gonna go work out, grab a swim, read a good book and take my mom out for dinner. Today's looking good, hope yours is doing the same.
Morning got off to a bad start. I was planning on going to an early showing of the new Star Trek, but last night I got a call from my best friend in Orlando and he had planned a day trip of canoeing for us. There was a 12 mile strtch of river he wanted to conquer and nobody in Orlando could keep up with him, so he decided to kill two birds with one stone and come pick me and drive me up to Orlando (my license is restricted so I can't drive myself). We get to hang and he beats his river, it was a good plan.
Fell apart around six am when his girlfriend had an minor emergency. No big deal but he needed to be there for her, so no harm no foul, but it bit the big one.
So I changed out of hiking gear and into regular clothes and rushed to the movie.
It was worth it. Great film, and I mean amazing. If you haven't seen it or have decided yet if you want to, you do. If you wait till it comes out on video you'll regret not seeing it on the big screen. And don't worry if you're not a Trekkie or a Sci-Fi fan, there's enough hand to hand and blowing shit up to satisfy any action buff.
So day's back on track, disappointing morning, but great film pushed into the plus then I get home and its Christmas come early. My sister calls. Last night she. . . found a moment of clarity with the guy she's been dating. We thought he was 33, and evidently he thought she was 28, and last night they stumbled on the truth, because of Top Gun ;-) The fact that Val Kilmer is involved amuses me as much as anything else. Turns out they have very different memories of how old they were when they first saw Top Gun, 20 years difference. My sister's 23, her guy, 43 ;-)
I know it sounds horrible to be so amused by this, but you have to know my sister. She is an extremely methodical and precise personality bordering on intense anal retentiveness. For her to miss something like this is a cosmic joke. And its really no big deal to either of them, it was just a shock factor, so its not really damaging to there relationship. I wouldn't be this amused if my sister's relationship is on the rocks, but since everything good, its the funniest thing I have heard in weeks. LOL, my dad was 19 when he had me, he's only 3 years older than this guy.
She was worried I would freak actually. Once I started laughing she was relieved, than a little insulted, and then more relieved as we talked. Honestly I think the guy being older can help a relationship, generally speaking girls are usually more mature than guys, and having a few years on them levels the playing field. Though 20 is a stretch ;-) (this is also proof that life's unfair, not only do they mature faster but women live longer, we die before we have the chance to catch up ;-)
So, happy day. Gonna go work out, grab a swim, read a good book and take my mom out for dinner. Today's looking good, hope yours is doing the same.

Thanks for the add