Trying trying semester. Being 28 and in college makes me feel like old man at an elementary school recess. Not that they aren't alot of good people, and I love how much and what I'm learning, but God, everyone seems so young.
Anycase, last big push takes me over the hump. Two classes in the Fall, one of them a cake walk, and I'm free to reenter the working week.
You know, I tend to bitch and moan, I find it amusing,especially late at night and when I'm sleep deprived, but I really am enjpying myself right now. I struggled long and hard to finish school and its nice to finally see the finish line. Got great friends, making a few more at school (sounds like an excerpt from my childhood), and got my mom and sister. Really can't complain.
I've got one course to take over the summer, buts its a nature course, lots of hiking and nature watching, and I love that stuff. Less of a class and more of a vacation.
Well thats all, wish I had something interesting to write but my face's been stuffed in a textbook for months. Going to see the new star trek on Monday, if you know its good or bad please tell, no spoilers. Think I'll see it in Imax, never been to one of those yet.
Anycase, last big push takes me over the hump. Two classes in the Fall, one of them a cake walk, and I'm free to reenter the working week.
You know, I tend to bitch and moan, I find it amusing,especially late at night and when I'm sleep deprived, but I really am enjpying myself right now. I struggled long and hard to finish school and its nice to finally see the finish line. Got great friends, making a few more at school (sounds like an excerpt from my childhood), and got my mom and sister. Really can't complain.
I've got one course to take over the summer, buts its a nature course, lots of hiking and nature watching, and I love that stuff. Less of a class and more of a vacation.
Well thats all, wish I had something interesting to write but my face's been stuffed in a textbook for months. Going to see the new star trek on Monday, if you know its good or bad please tell, no spoilers. Think I'll see it in Imax, never been to one of those yet.
I thought Star Trek was very good. Saw it last night and enjoyed it very much...Hopefully you will too! 

Hopes so too, I'm getting psyched. Really looking forward to it.