Holy shit a fucking huge tree just fell on my dorm! The whole biliding shook and the windows in the stairwell are broken... It took out a room, the chimney and the porch, which had a girl on it at the time. She was kinda bloody, but she seemed okay, walking and stuff.

What weirdness...
still very weird...thanks for reply - and at least you're ok
eeek eeek eeek
Last night I saw Less Than Jake. It was an awesome show, as usual. I got to meet Chris (the lead singer) afterwards, which was really cool. I wish I had some groupie whore skills so I could have hung out with the band some, but I just have no clue what to do or say in such a situation...

I was pretty drunk and...
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Man, I am so jealous you even went to the gig, let alone meet Chris ARRR!!!
I am beginning to think I am copletely devoid of emotion, which is probably a good thing for me. It should make life much less complicated.
Why devoid of emotions?

Some can really suck but without the bad you'd never know the good.
We'll pass around the easy lie
of absolutely no regrets,
and later maybe you could try
to let your losses dangle off
the sharp edge of a century,
and talk about the weather, or
how the weather used to be.

And I'll cater
with all the birds that I can kill.
Let their tiny feathers fill

Lie down;
lick the sorrow from your skin....
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And don't give up trying to be a SG.

A couple of suggestions:
In the first set you submitted you needed better lighting and a simpler background. There was too much g oing on and too much clutter.

The second set was a lot better, but still the background needed to be simpler and consistent. In some of the shots you could see where the sheet wasn't covering things and it looked odd.
the band that wrote these lyrics is from my city, and happen to be one of my favourites. good choice! they also play a rather hilarious role in a set i just shot. hopefully it gets accepted so you can see what i mean smile

and keep at it! i know i will if my set gets rejected.
I'm going to Chicago tomorrow. Its weird... I never really go anywhere. I never fly. It will be good to do something other than sit in a dorm room and drink all weekend.
Damn, I just remembered how much I hate airport security.
I'm feeling sort of lost at the moment and I'm not sure why. I wish I hadn't already committed myself to writing a thesis, becuase I don't think I can handle it and I don't think I'm going to have time to apply to graduate schools and study for the gre with all of this work. Plus, I would really like to find the time...
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Can do. smile
join my campaign to sue school.

i always run into you when i'm drunk, too (on d's porch).

alcoholic's anonymous should join my campaign, too.

you can handle the thesis and the rest. then you'll be done. just keep going.

feel better.
Any america's next top model fans out there? I have such a crush on Kim. She is so cute... and already my friend on the facebook.
She may have taken away a little of my love for Posh. Not really, just kidding, I'll always love Posh.

In other news... I am really pissed that Dr. Phil gave away free breast implans on a show about...
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My wife actually watches that show, but I don't. Seeing as its about female models, I probably should, but I hate every single reality, pseudo-reality shows out there.

I thought people became stars after working hard and earning it over years and years of film and tv, not tv making you a "star" overnight.

oh well, just my rant.

How was your weekend?
So, now I'm back in good old western mass. I'm really going to need to get used to doing school work and not drinking constantly.

Anyway... nothing to talk about really. I haven't been to any classes yet. Its strange to be a senior.

I must decorate my room now, because I am sick of these blank white walls.
Welcome back to this little corner of the state. Sorry to see that your photo sets were rejected. I don't think they should have been.
Going back to school in two weeks, which should be more exciting than Maine.
I finished my internship on friday. It was really sad. Even though I didn't make any money, it was the only job I have even had where I cared about what I was doing. I acctually felt like it was important. For maine anyway. Now I am just cleaning holtel rooms,...
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I never update...

I finally got a job to go along with my unpaid internship.
I am a hotel housekeeper, yay. My favorite job ever, So much fun.
Now it is way too fucking hot and humid, espically while cleaning rooms.

This summer has been rather uneventful so far.
Been to boston a couple of times. Much more exciting than Maine, where nothing ever happens.