what is everything comming to. too much hate, jesus. i don't understand why people have to be like that. i'm not a tree huggin hippie but god fucking damn it. what's the cool club now, there has to be a club that i could join that nobody would have a disagreeable opinion. how about national book reading association. but that probably wouldn't work cause some asshole will come up with reading too much is bad for you...or something totally fucking stupid. i don't know.
the problem is always them and they and those. what about the problem with me. who is the middle man here. who decides what's right. and don't fucking say .well god, of course. we all know that hasn't solved anything. who is to say that murder is wrong(it is, don't get me wrong) but who made that descision, collectively as a human race we, believe that murder is wrong, so with all of the issues that come out now a day's, does it make sense that we need to collectively decide, we as in everybody, and definetly more than the majority cause 49% and 51% is still too close for comfort. we live in a democracy, a society that the citizens decide and not some kind of dictatorship, we've elected reps. to speak for us, but these same reps have taken too-much advantage of that power. now look were we're at. war witha countryfor oil. wmd(bullshit) to free a people of a tyrant(horseshit)to gain a stronghold in the middleeast(chickenshit)all i hear about is how this whole war/oil game is looked down upon, and it completly sickens me that as a society based on the peoples vote, haven't done a damn thing about it. i restate. what are we comming too.
the problem is always them and they and those. what about the problem with me. who is the middle man here. who decides what's right. and don't fucking say .well god, of course. we all know that hasn't solved anything. who is to say that murder is wrong(it is, don't get me wrong) but who made that descision, collectively as a human race we, believe that murder is wrong, so with all of the issues that come out now a day's, does it make sense that we need to collectively decide, we as in everybody, and definetly more than the majority cause 49% and 51% is still too close for comfort. we live in a democracy, a society that the citizens decide and not some kind of dictatorship, we've elected reps. to speak for us, but these same reps have taken too-much advantage of that power. now look were we're at. war witha countryfor oil. wmd(bullshit) to free a people of a tyrant(horseshit)to gain a stronghold in the middleeast(chickenshit)all i hear about is how this whole war/oil game is looked down upon, and it completly sickens me that as a society based on the peoples vote, haven't done a damn thing about it. i restate. what are we comming too.
Don't gotta like it, but you gotta love it...wooooo
yeah, i dunno, a lot of people get caught up in the image of themselves, what they wish they were like, or something...and then they have a hardass image to uphold, which involves treating people like shit just to uphold that self-image. it makes me completely insane.
i think ive been around too many suburban-kids-gone-crack-dealer in my life. or maybe its the my-dad-works-for-nasa punk kids that beg for change on the corner and brag about stealing microwaves. again, with the total insanity.
im not from the suburbs. my dad is no fucking nasa scientist. and i can probably name all of the stuff i have stolen in my entire life: toilet paper (poverty), drugs (whoops)....yeah. "ihatepc"--come on. give the fuck up.
im sorry my posts to you are so ridiculously long, but i hope youre feeling alright, take care