Lately, everyone around me has been really stressed out or sad or mad due to things that have happened in their lives recently. It sucks seeing people I care about hurt. But I am glad I am able to help them through their hard times. But at the same time, as I think about it, I almost never get stressed. It's making me feel like I'm abnormal or something. Or maybe it's just cuz i'm a really patient person and I don't let stuff get to me easily. Or maybe I'm unknowingly repressing all of it and my head will just pop off one day haha. That wouldn't be good. But oh well, whatever it is, i'm glad that I am able to lend a shoulder to the ones I care about. I guess in a sense I am kinda stressed just cuz everyone is coming to me with their problems at once and it's a lot to handle. But I don't mind. I'm a really good listener and I like to do what I can to help. It makes me happy to know I can help brighten someone's day
In other news, I am done with work for the summer. Cruefest was my last show and it was fun! There were a lot of interesting people there. And there was also a woman who came to the show with nothing on but a short skirt and bandaids on her boobs! Awkward haha. I think she really wanted to get backstage and meet the bands
. I gotaccepted into school and will start my music major in a week! I'm so excited!
. Hmmm, what else. Ummmm, o yea, I got the new Winds of Plague cd today and the new Job For A Cowboy cd last week. Both are really good! Within this week I should have access to a computer so I'll try my hardest to post a picture blog for you all!
O and also, I hurt my toe a couple weeks back. And I attempted to perform surgery on it cuz I HATE doctors! But yea, I failed miserably and it got infected ao I had to see a doctor anyway. I had to get a shot in my toe! OW!!! But yea it's getting better now
But I still hate doctors. Grrr. Well that's all for now. I love you all and goodnight!!

In other news, I am done with work for the summer. Cruefest was my last show and it was fun! There were a lot of interesting people there. And there was also a woman who came to the show with nothing on but a short skirt and bandaids on her boobs! Awkward haha. I think she really wanted to get backstage and meet the bands

O and also, I hurt my toe a couple weeks back. And I attempted to perform surgery on it cuz I HATE doctors! But yea, I failed miserably and it got infected ao I had to see a doctor anyway. I had to get a shot in my toe! OW!!! But yea it's getting better now

But I still hate doctors. Grrr. Well that's all for now. I love you all and goodnight!!
So what exactly was wrong with your toe? Ingrown nail?