For pretty much the first time in my life, I've been brought down and feel kinda helpless at the moment. I'm usually pretty worry free and I don't let things bothr me easily, cuz frankly I just don't hav enough timein each day to spend not enjoying it. But lately, it seems like everytime I try to make some kind of progress with my life, everything has to go against me and push me further back. I'm about to lose my job in a week all because I don' have a way to get there when my coworker has the day off. So unless I magically come across a pair of wings or sumthin, I'm out of a job, which in turn means I can't pay rent to my parents and I i will no longer have a place to stay and probly won't be able to go to school in the fall. I just don't know what to do right now. A single person can only take so much before they finally start to break down, and I think I'm finally starting to reach my breaking point. But hopefully things will turn around for me. I still have everything important to me in my life (family, close friends, music, guitar, etc.) and for that I am grateful. I guess I just gotta try my best to shrug this off and get past this like I do with almost everything else. Life is too short to face without a smile. Well thank you for reading everyone. I hope you are all doing well. My next blog will most likely be more positive