Had a night of drinking and playing video games with my friend last night. It was pretty chill and fun. Shooting zombies is a lot harder and scarier when your drunk haha. I also discovered that gin and tonics taste like licking the skin of a lime. Weird. I fell asleep in a weird position and now i feel like I broke my back and a rib. Owww. I woke up at 5 am and decided it was too early so I went back to sleep til 9
. I have a huge bump on top of my head. Ok, so story time! I had to insulate this lady's house in Denver on thursday and it was PACKED! she had to clear a path for us and we literally only had a path about a foot wide going through all of her stuff. And it wasn't like just one room was packed with shit. The whole house was! Every single room! I don't even know where she slept or how she got to the stove to cook food or anything! I couldn't even use her bathroom cuz that was packed too! So anyway, I had to go down to her basement to turn off the furnace. I didn't think it was possible, but the basement was even worse than the rest of the house! There was no path at all so I just had to walk on top of everything. And of course the furnace was all the way in the back corner. And the damn thing was covered in spider webs! I absolutely HATE spiders!! So very reluctantly, I crawled over everything to the furnace and I batted all the spider webs away like a lil girl who's still afraid of cooties. So as I was looking for the switch this huge spider crawled out from under the furnace and I freaked and jumped up and smashed my head on a pipe. The lady made sure I was ok and I guess she was about to call 911 cuz I looked like I was gunna pass out and I wasn't talking right haha. And then I got to hop into the really hot attic and very dizzily insulate it. Woo! (not). So yea, that's the story of how I got a big bump on my head. Who wants to bring me sum advil?
. I'm currently listening to Psychostick. This band is cracking me up lol. They are some kind of comedy metal band and their songs are just so random it's hilarious. They have a song called "This Isn't A Song, It's A Sandwich". And they are actually singing about how the song is a sandwich and not a song hahahaha! Go check them out! Well that's all for now! Thanks for reading