hey people sorry i've been a ghost the past few days and haven't posted anything! it's kinda been a busy week and i've been out a lot. anywhooo, i've discovered that i probly have an unhealthy addiction to hookah. i'm not so bad that i crave it every second or anything, but once its in front of me, i smoke it like its the new oxygen haha. for you hookah smokers out there, you have to try pumpkin pie flavor! it tastes just like pumpkin pie! amazing! now they just need to make a cool whip flavor and i'm set. i've been playing a lot of pool lately too. if any of you denver colorado people are reading this, hit me up and lets go play sum pool
. ummm what else. o yea so i was insulating an attic on monday and a tornado siren came on! pretty much the exact opposite of where you want to be when that happens. o well no tornado came and i'm alive. yay! (for any of you that dont agree that me being alive is good thing, screw off, you make me sad
]. hmmm well i have work tomorrow so i better cut this short. o, if any of you colorado people (or wyoming, kansas, new mexico, nebraska, or sometimes even nevada) people need your attics insulated, callmy company and i'll come say hi and hop in your attic and insulate it
. it costs money of course. but if you get new windows or siding i think through us you get the insulation free! and a new programmable thermostat! fancy schmancy i know
. well the company is thermal advantage and our number is 3034876880. thanks for reading! bye bye