Alright, well this is my first blog since joining SG on friday. I'm not sure how many of you will read this since i'm really new and trying to make more friends and figure out how everything works. But if ya do happen to read this, come say hello and lets be friends
. I dont wanna bore you guys with my whole life story, so I'll just do a recap of my past week. if ya really want to know more, feel free to ask and I'll be happy to tell you
. Hmmm, lets see, i'll start with last saturday. got my third tattoo
. it's a blind folded angel on my left arm with a banner wrapped around it that says "be my eyes when i lose sight". i'm pretty happy with how it turned out. on a less happy note, i got mugged saturday night
. got jumped by 3 mexican guys and they stole my ipod, phone, and wallet with about 400 bucks in it. all together they got about a grand worth of stuff from me. boy do i feel stupid. thats the last time i'll ever walk home by myself. the police are supposedly working on finding my stuff. o well i'm over it. it sucks and i'm now music-less, but its nothing to dwell over. donations are gladly accepted though! haha just kidding. the rest of the week was pretty bland. just lots of work. summer's right around the corner and those attics are starting to get hot! i sure know how to pick a summer job haha. my lil bro graduated on friday so congratulations to him! it rained all day today so memorial day bbq's got cancelled. but i love the rain so its ok
. my baby bro is sick
. so lets all hope he gets better. well that's all for now. thanks for reading and i'll try to post at least once a week. bye bye!