my eyes have been brutally violated today. I went to a hookah bar with a friend. we were just smoking and playing cards and this girl that looked like she was 12 came from out of nowhere and just started doing the dirtiest frikkin dance possible next to me. i turned my head and got a face full of 12 year old ass! wtf?! definitely...
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Sometimes its just a completely crazy world out there. I've almost given up trying to work out what the hell it's all about. But hey, the weekend is here, all good.
haha yea no kidding. do u hav any fun plans for your weekend?
hey people sorry i've been a ghost the past few days and haven't posted anything! it's kinda been a busy week and i've been out a lot. anywhooo, i've discovered that i probly have an unhealthy addiction to hookah. i'm not so bad that i crave it every second or anything, but once its in front of me, i smoke it like its the new...
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This is just a lil thing i wrote and I thought I would share it with you guys biggrin. It's kinda like a philosophy I guess? Idk how to explain it so read on and lemme know what you think smile.

This is so tragic, it's less than fantastic, sucking your soul like an evil phantasmic, making you take steps that are drastic, but gor...
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Not much going on for me. Just trying to make some friends on here. Saw you were into metal. You put the same things as me for crush. LOL
It looks like the closest city is Chicago. (6 hour drive...)
A friend and I went to an all you can eat sushi place today. We had neverbeen there before so we didn't know how it worked. The waitress brought us a piece of paper with the selection of food and there were 2 check boxes next to each one labeled 1 and 2. So we figured that the 1 and 2 signified what I wanted...
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Maybe pop over to the hook up boards and say hello there. Sure you'll get some (slightly worrying) feedback there. But i rember thinking how big the site actually is. Take your time nosing around, i did!
And thanks!
alright i'll be sure to hop over and check that out. cuz yea it would be nice to have some people to talk to haha. well thank you sir smile
Alright, well this is my first blog since joining SG on friday. I'm not sure how many of you will read this since i'm really new and trying to make more friends and figure out how everything works. But if ya do happen to read this, come say hello and lets be friends smile. I dont wanna bore you guys with my whole life story,...
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