Ok, so I haven't been on here in a while. Just dont have time to be on here everyday and post in everyones journals, even my own. oh well, its not like anyone could care less anyway.
And, in other news:I think I am being stalked all over again by some girl I brushed off over a year ago. If you ignore these needy, clingy...
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And, in other news:I think I am being stalked all over again by some girl I brushed off over a year ago. If you ignore these needy, clingy...
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Stalkers. Do I have some stories to tell. My last one's idea of romance was sucking my bowels out through my anus...or so he wrote.
Do you think it's possable that you gravitate twards clinggy chicks.....I only ask cause I notice I do.
Went to this party last night. hung out with a lot of old friends I havent seen in years. very interesting. Actually, it was kinda freaking me out to see all these faces from the past. lotta fun though
I've always liked meeting people i haven't seen in awhile. I like seeing how they changed over the years. There's one girl inpaticular I'd like to see again,so I could confront her for spreading rumors.
I get freaked out when I'm around faces from the past aswell.
I'm about half way through a book about sexual behavior and evolution. So, I am having a conversation with my brother about it and my cousin Luke is there. Luke is from a small town in Greece and was raised christian orthodox. He tells me he is a creationist and doesn't believe in evolution.
Fine by me, but I asked how all the evidence and...
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Fine by me, but I asked how all the evidence and...
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Oh I love this game the game where people argue over how exactly we came to be. I know your not argueing but damn people get fired up over the topic of evolution. Me I'm just glad I'm here. I think we all came from eggs,that's my theory.

Alright already. I put up the damn profile pic
And yes, my nipples are quite well now. strong like bull.

And yes, my nipples are quite well now. strong like bull.
Alright we now have a visual. Thanks man your quite the handsome fellow. Glad to hear you have such strong nipples.
hahaha that picture's awesome. i think cats probably have the weirdest junk ive ever seen.
Chemical burn....on my nipples. Don't ask. Let's just hope that anti-inflammatory cream is really worth 30 bucks.
I'm sure it is. Hope they get better!
Cherry xox

Cherry xox
"I can choose to live my life, trusting, perhaps to a fault and risk and occasionally getting ripped off, or to live in suspicion and paranoia until the time I die with the satisfaction that nobody ever 'got me'."
-Jeffrey Jones
uh-oh. I am now posting 'inspirational' type quotes in my journal. Has it really come to this? Am I becoming Tony Robbins?
The important...
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-Jeffrey Jones
uh-oh. I am now posting 'inspirational' type quotes in my journal. Has it really come to this? Am I becoming Tony Robbins?

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I'm confused so I'll just give you a hug *HUG* and then flip flop my way back to my little hole.
Hey glad I could help you out with that thread, no worries
And I don't hate you
Cherry xox

And I don't hate you

Cherry xox
Maybe I should get around to uploading some pictures one of these days...hmmm
Yeah pictures are good,maybe someday you'll upload us some. 

3 votes, it's decided. You will upload photos. yay.
3 votes, it's decided. You will upload photos. yay.
So, there is this crawl space that runs across the room, and the tiny little door to access it is right next to this computer. And there are some kind of Unspecified Rodents in the crawl space. And they are loud; clawing, thrashing and chewing. They are having a coke party in there or something cuz its ridiculous with all the noise.
So, naturally, I...
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So, naturally, I...
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I was thinking of using a baseball bat, actually.

Squirrels are evil! Don't trust him!
They carry rabies and eat eachother.
When I was 9 I was at Yosemite and saw a bunch of baby squirrels fighting over the severed head of one of their fallen breathren.
They carry rabies and eat eachother.
When I was 9 I was at Yosemite and saw a bunch of baby squirrels fighting over the severed head of one of their fallen breathren.
"Being an iconoclast is like getting high on everyone else's fear of damaging their mediocrity."
can't remember where I read that one...
can't remember where I read that one...
Damn those are some big words. 

"After accidentally observing my brain yesterday, I find a couple of things it hadn't fully informed me about. First, I see that as I grow older I get more opinionated. Second, I realize that everything I know is wrong. This leads me to the hope that my opinions are temporary." -Jeffrey Jones
right on.
right on.
Well I'm just going to have to do something to get rid of that semi-lurker status.I'm a bout ready to start lighting up this place and leave my finger prints all over it.
Thank you so much for the advidce.
Thank you so much for the advidce.
I take only partial responsibilty for any posts or comments I made last night. They were are all co-authored by the one and only Mr. Johnny Walker.
who's that