For the little street I live on in the quite town I pretty much live in there was an accident right in front of my fucking house!
I was in the bathroom shaving my boyfriends head when all of a sudden I hear a loud CRASH and my mom yelling at me "Corinne get off the computer call 911 there was just an accident in front of the house!!!".
Panicking to dial 911 because of my mother I go out side and see our neighbors front lawn completely trashed. There were skid marks just inches away from our new car that were on the side walk and lead back into the street.
According to the witnesses that were in the car right behind the car who had the accident saw the whole thing happen. They said that the people in the car must have been drunk or high because they were swerving and I guess decided to make a last minute turn when they realized they were going to miss the street they needed to turn down. Which just so happened to be ours. They came around the corner went up on to the curb when they realized they were going to hit our car and into our neighbors front yard wrecking there flower garden. Stopped in front of our house on the side walk. Peeled out back into the street just missing our new car again. Then managed to park it down the road where we came to find out is where they live. Then told us they were 2 girls who got out of the car and proceeded to stumbled and dashed down the one road near by where they disappeared into the night.
From the description the witnesses gave I have seen the girls around before because they live down the road from us and is always losing there chihuahua Chico. But I know for a fact that they are not old enough to drive, most defiantly old enough to drink, and should not be doing drugs. They are so dead when ever they get caught.
I took pictures of the damage of the lawn and the car. It may not sound exciting to you but it is for me because this shit doesn't happen around here. Especially not in front of my house. So as soon as I get them developed I will post them on here for all to see.
Well that's all for now for me to share with every one. I'm going to take a bath and go to bed.

For the little street I live on in the quite town I pretty much live in there was an accident right in front of my fucking house!
I was in the bathroom shaving my boyfriends head when all of a sudden I hear a loud CRASH and my mom yelling at me "Corinne get off the computer call 911 there was just an accident in front of the house!!!".
Panicking to dial 911 because of my mother I go out side and see our neighbors front lawn completely trashed. There were skid marks just inches away from our new car that were on the side walk and lead back into the street.
According to the witnesses that were in the car right behind the car who had the accident saw the whole thing happen. They said that the people in the car must have been drunk or high because they were swerving and I guess decided to make a last minute turn when they realized they were going to miss the street they needed to turn down. Which just so happened to be ours. They came around the corner went up on to the curb when they realized they were going to hit our car and into our neighbors front yard wrecking there flower garden. Stopped in front of our house on the side walk. Peeled out back into the street just missing our new car again. Then managed to park it down the road where we came to find out is where they live. Then told us they were 2 girls who got out of the car and proceeded to stumbled and dashed down the one road near by where they disappeared into the night.
From the description the witnesses gave I have seen the girls around before because they live down the road from us and is always losing there chihuahua Chico. But I know for a fact that they are not old enough to drive, most defiantly old enough to drink, and should not be doing drugs. They are so dead when ever they get caught.
I took pictures of the damage of the lawn and the car. It may not sound exciting to you but it is for me because this shit doesn't happen around here. Especially not in front of my house. So as soon as I get them developed I will post them on here for all to see.
Well that's all for now for me to share with every one. I'm going to take a bath and go to bed.
hey hope everything's going well with you!

Hi, You've been on the applicants list for SGPhilly for a while now and no-one has vouched for you. I'm going to remove you from the list of applicants. We will be having an open event on June 11th that you are more than welcome to attend and meet some of us, afterwards you can re-apply for the group.