Happy Easter!
Yeah so it was time to change the name again. It just wasn't me the more I thought about it.
I wanted to use something with my Orginal name XplatinumXpixeyX but I didn't want the whole thing. So I settled with Platinum.
I like it so it's staying around
~*CoRiNnE*~'s MySpace account
I have been really big with my Myspace so if you want to be my friend go to my link and request friendship!
Yeah so it was time to change the name again. It just wasn't me the more I thought about it.
I wanted to use something with my Orginal name XplatinumXpixeyX but I didn't want the whole thing. So I settled with Platinum.
I like it so it's staying around

~*CoRiNnE*~'s MySpace account
I have been really big with my Myspace so if you want to be my friend go to my link and request friendship!

that makes me a happy boy