EDITED on 2-12-05:
Thank you every one for the Birthday Wishes! I can't wait, 4 more hours to go till I can get smashed!
Today is a very good day for Corinne!
My incomtax money was in my account this morning!
I paid off 2 of my credit cards and cancelled them
I paid AT & T the money I owed them from my last bill before I swtiched over to Cingular.
I upgraded my SG account to a 1yr plan so I didn't have to worry about paying every 3 months any more!
Tomarrow is my Birthday and I'm going out to night at midnight to the bar right around the corner of my house to get a few in me before my big night out tomarrow with my friends
After I paid every thing I only have $297 and some change in my account left from my pay check from work and my tax money but it's all good because I don't owe people as much money any more
Now it's time to work on getting rid of the rest of my credit cards that I don't need any more! 2 gone 4 more to go!
Well I'm going to get going, I have more shit to do around the house!
Talk to every one Later
Thank you every one for the Birthday Wishes! I can't wait, 4 more hours to go till I can get smashed!

Today is a very good day for Corinne!

My incomtax money was in my account this morning!
I paid off 2 of my credit cards and cancelled them

I paid AT & T the money I owed them from my last bill before I swtiched over to Cingular.
I upgraded my SG account to a 1yr plan so I didn't have to worry about paying every 3 months any more!

Tomarrow is my Birthday and I'm going out to night at midnight to the bar right around the corner of my house to get a few in me before my big night out tomarrow with my friends

After I paid every thing I only have $297 and some change in my account left from my pay check from work and my tax money but it's all good because I don't owe people as much money any more

Now it's time to work on getting rid of the rest of my credit cards that I don't need any more! 2 gone 4 more to go!

Well I'm going to get going, I have more shit to do around the house!
Talk to every one Later

Happy Valentine Day!

YOU HAVE BEEN SEXED! Spread the legs and go at it! Pick any of your friends who you think don't get much lovin' (or maybe they do!) and, SEX THEM! (you can copy and paste this message on their userpage!) This is for any one you think is hot! RULES: 1- You can sex the person who sexed you, of course. 2- You can sex the same person as many times as you can (c'mon, ENDURANCE)! Be creative!* 3- You -MUST- spread the sex! At least 1 fuck is fine and dandy! 4- You should sex in public! Be adventurous, damnit. Paste it on their user page so they feel slutty! 5- Random sex is perfectly okay! 6- Please, don't worry about same gender sexing, it's HOT. 7- You should most definately get started fuckin' right away! This is about showing everyone how much you care for them and HOW BAD YOU WANT THEIR ASS! Make everyone feel a little loved (and roughed up!) Please dont take this too personally, BUT I JUST FUCKED YOU!!!