Awwww Thank You guys for the nice comment's! You made my day
Although I'm not sure what Cash was trying to say. What does Merf mean?
Any way, random fact about DaniaKa: I am addicted to Totino's Supream flavored Pizza roll's!!!!
Well I conned my boyfriend into giveing me my Gamecube early last night
I am a very happy girl! He got me alot of extra goodies to to go with it not just the system package I thought he got me! He got me the carrying case for the system, a case for all the game's, 5 other game's, and a Spongebob controler!
I have been going nut's with it all day yesterday and probably today too! I think it was a bad idea he got it for me because I'm not going to want to see the light of day again..LOL
I can't wait now to get my camera so I can start takeing pictures again! I miss it so much! The last time I really took the time to take pictures was 2yrs ago when I was still in high school. I am so looking forward to getting back into it. When it come's to being artistic I am artistic alliterate I don't have any creativity or talent for it, but I did notice I have an eye for photographing thing's! So I think photography is my ture calling in life!
Speaking of photography I need a HUGE favor if possible from any one! If any one can burn me a copy of Photo Shop the lastest version or the version before that, I would love you forever! I have been with out this program for over 2yrs now and it's driving me nut's! Can someone please help this poor girl out?
Well it's time to get going, I have some more X-mas shopping to get done and I my car need's to get an Oil change and the Anti-freeze flushed, must call about that and see how much it's going to cost me! It sux haveing no money that I have to wait till the last minuite to finish my shopping or any thing else! UGH!
- What is a random fact about your self that no one know's?
-Are you obsessed with any thing? If so what and when did it start?
- What do you think is your true calling in life?
*Edit* God damnit! it's going to cost me 50 fucking dollars to get my anti-freeze flushed!
When I know I can do it my self for half that price. I just don't have a place to work on it at or know of a place that take's the used anit-freeze or I would! This fucking sux, and I NEED to get it done!
Help me out here, Do I grin and bare it and pay the money to get it done or do I wait some more and probably end up haveing my engine freeze up on me? What would you guy's do?

Any way, random fact about DaniaKa: I am addicted to Totino's Supream flavored Pizza roll's!!!!

Well I conned my boyfriend into giveing me my Gamecube early last night

I have been going nut's with it all day yesterday and probably today too! I think it was a bad idea he got it for me because I'm not going to want to see the light of day again..LOL
I can't wait now to get my camera so I can start takeing pictures again! I miss it so much! The last time I really took the time to take pictures was 2yrs ago when I was still in high school. I am so looking forward to getting back into it. When it come's to being artistic I am artistic alliterate I don't have any creativity or talent for it, but I did notice I have an eye for photographing thing's! So I think photography is my ture calling in life!
Speaking of photography I need a HUGE favor if possible from any one! If any one can burn me a copy of Photo Shop the lastest version or the version before that, I would love you forever! I have been with out this program for over 2yrs now and it's driving me nut's! Can someone please help this poor girl out?

Well it's time to get going, I have some more X-mas shopping to get done and I my car need's to get an Oil change and the Anti-freeze flushed, must call about that and see how much it's going to cost me! It sux haveing no money that I have to wait till the last minuite to finish my shopping or any thing else! UGH!
- What is a random fact about your self that no one know's?
-Are you obsessed with any thing? If so what and when did it start?
- What do you think is your true calling in life?
*Edit* God damnit! it's going to cost me 50 fucking dollars to get my anti-freeze flushed!

Help me out here, Do I grin and bare it and pay the money to get it done or do I wait some more and probably end up haveing my engine freeze up on me? What would you guy's do?
Yeah I saw the charlie and the chocolate factory trailer online it looks sooooo cool but it doesn't come out till next summe
Spend the money now or it will be way more expensive if you leave it.......