I have to give thanx to my sister for the gift account first off. But to my life. I have begun the search for a little part-time job. Somethin that will give me some extra dough in my pockets. Nothing major just like an extra 2 or 300 bux a paycheck. I figure if I work 50 hrs every 2 weeks I'll get like 200 bux every 2 weeks. Since the Marine Corps pays pretty shitty, I have found that with a car payment, insurance, and a cell phone there really isn't much left to save or hell even spend.
I have also learned good things about my funding for school after having my dreams shattered by my office. Either way. I will be makin like 1500 a month in free money to go to school when I get out. Which should pay for living space and bills and books. Though I will probably have to get a part time job just to have the money for me. Not quite sure. either way today was drab and boring, I hope all of urs were better
I have also learned good things about my funding for school after having my dreams shattered by my office. Either way. I will be makin like 1500 a month in free money to go to school when I get out. Which should pay for living space and bills and books. Though I will probably have to get a part time job just to have the money for me. Not quite sure. either way today was drab and boring, I hope all of urs were better
That sister of yours sure does spoil you. 

hey dude