So have I mentioned lately How fucking much I love going home? I love having not a 3 day weekend not a 4 day weekend but a 5 day weekend. 5DAYS I don't have to be a Marine. No PT, No bullshit just relaxing with my beautiful girlfriend in the city I love. Ahh Pittsburgh. Family and friends are the life I love. 458 more days and I will be a full blown civilian again. For this I cannot wait. But, for now I just have to relish on my little breaks and weekends that I get to pretend. And those are the only things that are keeping me sane. Anywho. I made an appointment to see a personal trainer, so that I can get even more sexy than I am now. I know, I know what ur thinking. suicidemarine? more sexy? Not possible. Oh but it is....
Here is a hilarious spin on the act of cybersex. too too funny

I love that smelvin is starting to comment...
He's really looking forward to your visit.