Ahh Vacations kick ass. I love takin some time off and just relaxing. Hangin out with friends and loved ones. Makes me feel normal again. So I have approximately 486 days left in the Marine Corps and in my opinion they can't go by fast enough. I think they are going faster than I think though. I have lots of stuff Iwould like to get done by the time i get out and I have absolutely none of them accomplished. Looks like I need to get my shit in gear. Well, I will do what I need to when the time comes. Money being saved is the thing I need to do the most. I haven't even started with that either though. I did however buy myself a better car. I can get around now in style I might add. But it is going to halt my saving abilities for a little while. I think it will work out though. Things seem to be going my way lately. And I Like It.
Shit, boy, you need to update your journal!