okay okay seriously, I saw the funniest video today. By Adam Sandler, I posted the link on the music board and a few people got a kick out of it. I had a decent day I guess. Same shit different pile. Got out of work early that and this video was the highlights of my day.
Adam Sandler: Secret
Oh and St. Patty's Day is drawing near so all of you Irish folk need to get out your green and join the fun...
Adam Sandler: Secret
Oh and St. Patty's Day is drawing near so all of you Irish folk need to get out your green and join the fun...
You know you are jealous that I am giving your sister soap, and none for you.
Seriously, I'll give you a sample when you get home. When are you taking some more leave, btw.

I forget where I got that rabbit info-esp. the part about the babies having sight after birth, thus they can see evil immediately-but the experience itself was the weirdest part-hey, when you're Irish, every day is St. Patrick's Day-!!