you know what I'm tired of? I'm tired of all those fucking people that tear down the military, and the war in Iraq. Especially the ones that don't even have the balls to join the military in the time of peace let alone the time of war. Just sit behind their computer screens and bitch about it. My friends are over there dying and the ones that bitch about it are people that never saw someone in a uniform let alone known anyone that died in combat. I am so fucking flustered right now all I wanna do is fucking throw something. FUCKING HIPPIES...
that last comment hit the nail on the head, im a marine, but its true nonetheless, i undrerstood this in theory when i joined but didnt understand to what extent it went to.
having said that, as to your first comment, i know what you mean, i do not really think that we should be over there because of the reasons we are at this point, and a lot of people see this way, but thats not how it comes accross, SM is talking about what people say and how they say it, not what they are feeling, who gives a fuck what someone is feeling, when they dont expres it that way.