i just feel like rambling poetically and pointlessly right now.
i'm not 100% sure why, just every once and awhile the urge overcomes my fingers just to dance along the keys and spill the pointless raves and circles of my mind.
i think it goes back to the days where all i did was bleed my heart out in the form of ink to paper in melo dramatic, dark, depressing poetry lingering too much on the things of my past that should have been buried along with the skeletons i hide in my closet.
it's been awhile since i've written, it seems my angst has dried up to the most, i suppose it could be consider a rite of passage from petty little emo girl mutilating oneself in the school bathroom to a semi well rounded woman with a family and an attempt at a career, jsut not sure where its headed
hmmm not entirely sure where i'm going with this so i suppose one best stop while she is ahead before the mind starts to wander
i'm not 100% sure why, just every once and awhile the urge overcomes my fingers just to dance along the keys and spill the pointless raves and circles of my mind.
i think it goes back to the days where all i did was bleed my heart out in the form of ink to paper in melo dramatic, dark, depressing poetry lingering too much on the things of my past that should have been buried along with the skeletons i hide in my closet.
it's been awhile since i've written, it seems my angst has dried up to the most, i suppose it could be consider a rite of passage from petty little emo girl mutilating oneself in the school bathroom to a semi well rounded woman with a family and an attempt at a career, jsut not sure where its headed
hmmm not entirely sure where i'm going with this so i suppose one best stop while she is ahead before the mind starts to wander

What ever is in your past, what ever is in your dark gloomy closet, should stay there until furthur notice. For now on all you should think about is the bright happy future that you are currently weaving into fruitation.
Smile, your day may be better for it !